Friday, September 28, 2007

Don't piss off a 2 year old...

Ever heard of the terrible two's? Last night after I ended my previous post and was heading to bed as promised, I rememberd I had not locked my car. (Pesky not having a I have to be conscientious and I hate that.) Anytime you go outside, Jace thinks he has to go too but it was late and cold so I told him no. I had to scoot him back a little so I could shut the door so he wouldn't follow me...low and behold when I came running back...Jace had locked me out! Little brat! I had to pound on the door and ring the door bell because Brendon was already asleep and Dallas was in his room with the door shut. Finally Dallas came out (it had been all of about 30 seconds you know) and I could hear him say, "who is pounding on the door?". Jace, standing on the stairs, proudly announces, "mommy". Then Dallas let me in. Me, Fred Flintstone and Rodney Dangerfield...can't get no respect.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Back in like Flynn

OMG...I have not been able to get into my own blog for a couple months. Since I am completely computer iliterate when I updated my blog to use Google or whatever it was it was prompting me to do every time I logged in, making me feel like a dinosaur because I had not moved my blog to Google or whatever it was it was it was prompting me to do every time I logged in, it would keep telling me "no account found" or "no such e-mail exsist" or something like that. I didn't have a Google account and it didn't tell me I needed one to move my blog to Google. So here I had finally started blogging again after two years and I screwed myself out of being about to blog again. Anyway, I read my friend's blog almost every day and thoroughly enjoy it so I decided to give it the old college try again but by then I couldn't remember my username or password so I moved around in blogger support for a half an hour ('bout like automated phone systems when you press the wrong # and have to start from the main menu 100 times). Having them e-mail me my information didn't do me any good since we moved a month ago and no longer have that provider. However, there are at least (3) e-mails sent to southslope in the off chance it would miraculously appear in my new e-mail account. I finally decided to just start trying different scenarios and low and behold I got in. In like Flynn.

But now it's time to put my 2 year old to bed so I'll have to blog again another day. Be looking for me!