Thursday, July 22, 2004

We are having a...

...we still don't know.  For sure that is.  We had 2 ultrasounds today, the baby's legs were crossed the whole time so she couldn't get a look.  On the abdominal ultrasound she said she couldn't even give a guess at all but she'd try to see better on the vaginal one.  Baby's legs were still crossed.  However, she did then say about 3 times if she'd have to guess she'd guess girl because she didn't see anything dangling.  But since she really couldn't get in there, there is always the possibility of a surprise when the legs are open.  I took encouragement from that though.

The crappy thing is we won't be having another ultrasound for 2 months.  Either Ken AND I misunderstood last time or she is changing her tune.  We both heard her say I'd be seen every two weeks with ultrasounds every time.  Now she says to come back in a month and won't do another ultrasound 'til the time after that.  At that time they will be re-measuring my cervix and re-checking the baby's heart.  Nothing is wrong, they just couldn't get a good angle to see all 4 chambers of the heart.  The heart rate this time was 146.  I'm choosing to believe that is a sleeping or low activity heart rate because this just going to be a girl. 

The baby is laying what they transversely.  So her (yes, her) head is on my left side, is laying across to where her butt and feet are on my right.  That makes sense to me because a lot of times my stomach feels harder in those places and I figured it was baby there.  I still haven't had any definite movement though.  I think I may have felt a flutter or two but no definite bumps or kicks.  The next 3 weeks or so I really should.

I gained 2 lbs so I am almost back up to where I started.  I think a 1/2 lb off still.  So, that is still no weight gain.  I can handle that.  The baby is not losing out.  She measured at 7 oz with a due date of 12/28 which is right in where they've been saying all along.  I know the gaining will start eventually but I can take some comfort that with no gain yet maybe I keep that in range and not become a huge heffer. 

Otherwise, I am doing fine.  Everything is intact.  If you want me to quote the doctor she says, "everything feels nice and tight" - but that just sounds weird!!!  I think that is why she is going to 1 month checks now because I'm doing so well.  Her exact words were, "I think we can go with a month", so that seems like it's change from what she thought we'd need to do.  But that's ok.  Even though I was set to have another ultrasound in just 2 weeks, I'm glad everything is going well. 

We do have more ultrasound pictures, I swear I will get them up on here soon.  I don't think about it again 'til it's time to get more pictures.

Lilypie Baby Days



Monday, July 19, 2004

I slept for 3 YEARS yesterday...

I know they say you can be more tired when you are pregnant but man I didn't think I could sleep for 3 straight years at one time.  No kidding I was watching "I Love the 90's" on VH1, when I fell asleep it was 1994 and when I woke up it was 1997!  You'd think I'd be completely rested after that but I was still tired the rest of the night.  HAHAHA. 

Sunday, July 18, 2004

I guess I'm a stinkin' drunk...

Ken and I went to a friend's birthday party Saturday night and as soon as we walked away from the bar with his pitcher of beer and my pitcher of water (ha), two people made comments to my husband to make sure that I don't drink tonight.  I laughed it off.  Then later Ken asked me to hold his glass for something and as soon as I had it in my hand one of those people from before was standing there and Ken says to them that I am drinking.  They were like "Ken, you gotta watch her".  He was joking and they were joking but I was offended both times it was said.  It implied that I wouldn't take care of my baby on my own and not drink - that I would need to have someone stop me from drinking.  I told Ken to knock it off because I was offended by it and he said I was over-reacting.  Most be those hormones everybody insists are raging inside me (another pet peeve).  Anyway, he went on to say that he knows lots of people who joke to pregnant women about not drinking.  I'm like, "WHY?!".  I don't get the joke.  I don't think it's funny, like I said, to imply that I wouldn't do the right thing all on my own.
Lilypie Baby Days

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Revised...Due Date Ticker

I took the ticker out of my profile because since it was so long it moved my profile, recent blogs (posts) and archived blogs (posts) down to the very bottom and I didn't like that. I wanted it back up along the side were it is. So, if you want to see the ticker you'll have to click on the Due Date Ticker in either recent blogs or July archives.


Lilypie Baby Days

Monday, July 12, 2004

Due Date Ticker

I've added a due date ticker to this site. I couldn't figure out how to get it to show all the time so it's under my profile. If you click there (to the right under my name), it should have the updated how far along I am and how many days 'til baby is due.

It's also in this post so if you click on Due Date Ticker in the recent or archived posts, it should come up.

Lilypie Baby Days

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Pizza Hut from Hell

Ok this has absolutely nothing to do with the baby but I did say I would be using this site to vent my feelings...

Tonight we ordered pizza from Pizza Hut - the one at 16th Ave and 6th SW. We got the current special of a large specialty at regular price and a medium one topping for $1.99. We got a Super Supreme but without onions or green peppers and for the other we got 1/2 cheese and 1/2 sausage - and we also got breadsticks.

Pizza Hut is always screwing up our orders. In fact we had a $10.00 credit tonight when we ordered because they've screwed up in the past.

We were going to pick it up but a few minutes after we ordered they called back and said there was a 1/2 hour wait for large pizza crusts so I changed it to delivery and had them waive the deliver charge.

So the pizza gets here about a hour later (remember there was a wait for crust) and as soon as walked in the kitchen I smelled peppers. I opened the medium box that was supposed to be 1/2 cheese, 1/2 sausage and found 1/2 cheese and 1/2 pepperoni. I said then that I bet anything the specialty was wrong because I knew I was smelling peppers. I opened that box and sure enough it had green peppers.

Right away Ken called and they asked if we wanted them to make the right pizzas and send them out. I said no but I wanted my money back. Like I said, they are always messing up our orders. So then they offered us credit but we said we just wanted our money back. What good would another credit do us if they are just going to screw it up? So they said they'd bring it back.

We all went ahead and ate - picking off the green peppers - and then the guy showed up with the money. You aren't going to believe this...he was insisting that we give the pizza back. I came to the door and was like, "wait a screw it up and we have to give it back?". He goes, "if you want a refund after it's delivered, it's our policy to get the pizza back. We have to verify what was wrong". I go, "we told you on the phone what was wrong". He was still insisting on the pizza back. So, I picked up the large pizza and threw it at his feet on the ground outside our door. He picked it up, said thank you and started to walk away. Ahh but we hadn't given him the medium back yet so I grabbed it and threw it at him while he was walking away. It landed on the recycling bin and then slid down between it and the house. I saw him come back for it though as I shut the door.

We were in total shock. We were like, "if we'd taken the credit they wouldn't have wanted the pizza back?" and "the only reason we didn't want new pizzas is we had already waited an hour and it was 9:30 - 10:00 pm".

Ken decides to drive to that Pizza Hut because he had written a check and they gave us cash back. We were thinking they'd probably still run the check through. I guess he asked the guy the question about if we'd taken a credit we'd been able to keep the pizza and the guy goes, "yeah, because then we wouldn't be out the money". Ken goes, "you'd still be out the money when we used the credit!". DUH!!!! The guy just stood there. The guy also said, "well, I just needed to see the pizza". He never said that at all. He was insisting over and over that he needed the pizzas back.

While Ken was gone I looked outside to see if he had picked up the last pizza I threw at him and about 1/2 that (most the pepperoni half) was still laying in our driveway. Ken has that all in a gallon size baggie and it going to take it back tomorrow with a letter to management. After all they need to verify it was wrong and the wrong portion of the pizza was left in our driveway. We wouldn't want them to not follow policy of getting the pizza back!!!

Needless to say we are NEVER ordering from Pizza Hut again. After tonight, we are probably banned away!!!


Wednesday, July 07, 2004

lookin' good

Had my recheck appt today and everything is looking good. Everything is holding in place - not that we expected any different right now. It's will be the later, bigger months that really weigh on those stitches.

Now I will be seen every two weeks to check everything including having an ultrasound every two weeks. I said, "I guess we'll have plenty of ultrasound pictures!". The scheduling nurse goes, "yeah, probably more than actual baby pictures". So, if later the kid asks where all they're baby pictures are we can say, "what do you mean? What about all of these black and white pictures?". HAHA.

That will be exciting though getting to see the baby every two weeks. How many people get that chance? Wish it could be under better circumstances. I'll be 17 weeks at my next ultrasound so we are going to try to find out then if it's a boy or girl. It should be distinguishable if the baby cooperates. But if not then, we'll try the next time.

A part of me still wants to be surprised but Ken wants to know and we could use the advantage to prepare after the 10 year gab between babies.

The babies heart rate was 150 this time. I was a little disappointed if you believe the old wife's tale about higher heart rates being girls but 150 is still up there. Both my boys were never over 140. It depends on how active the baby is.

Speaking of active, I'm anxiously awaiting feeling the baby move. I should be able to between 15 - 17 weeks especially with this being my 3rd pregnancy. I'm at 15 weeks now so I keep thinking soon I should be feeling something.

I lost another 1/2 lb but I didn't get lectured this time. I was grateful for that. I don't know why I'm losing weight. I eat. I just don't eat all the time like I thought I would be by now. I don't have any increase in appetite at all. Actually I'm sicker this trimester than I was the 1st. I haven't thrown up but I've had several close calls. I am starting to have some cravings - over the weekend I wanted a big 'ole salad and this week it's strawberries and grapes. Seems like all I ate when I was pregnant with Brendon was Whoppers from BK. I craved olives with both boys! Still love olives.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I'm back to work tomorrow. It's been nice being off but I've also been bored too. Something tells me I won't be bored at work after being off a week.

I'll continue to post as stuff comes up. Feel free to check back whenever you like. There may be something new.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

less of a pain...

My "butt" pain is much much better! The anesthesiologists called me again yesterday morning which I am really impressed with how much he has checked up on me. When I told him I was feeling better - no more pain in my hips and legs - just the tailbone he is almost positive it was a reaction to the medication. He said I could play it by ear on whether I wanted to be seen at the Pain Clinic on Tuesday but since I was feeling better they probably wouldn't do anything anyway. Now I'm just worried if I'll have to same reaction when they do the c-section because I'll have another spinal block then. I'm going to see if there is another medication they can use.

I'm glad I'm feeling better with that. I've had a lot of other pain though, the pressure. Last night it hurt to walk or even turn over in bed. I think that's just something I may have to deal with if I've been up for too long. I had to go to my baby's last baseball game today though!! (Don't even get me started on who SHOULD have been there but was playing kick ball instead!)

Hanging in there though...

Friday, July 02, 2004

pain in the butt...

Everything from the surgery is still going ok. Just like I said before, I start to fill pressure, like cramps, if I'm up too long.

Interesting thing started Wednesday night though...I started having a lot of pain at my tailbone and tingling throughout my butt and both legs. I called the anesthesiologist yesterday. He doesn't think it's anything they did during my spinal block because if they'd hit my spinal cord with the needle I would have felt it right away and screamed. If they'd hit a nerve, I'd only be having pain one side not both. So, he wanted to talk to the anesthesiologist who did my edidural about a year and a 1/2 ago when I was having this same type of pain and was going to call me on Friday.

He called back last night around 6:00 pm and wants me to call the Pain Clinic at St. Luke's today (Friday) and make an appt to see Dr. Sedlacek (the one who did my epidural last year) on Tuesday.

It could be one of two things. 1) The disc that was giving me trouble last year could be out due to the pregnancy. OR 2) the medication they gave me through the spinal block (litacane) could be causing the irritation. If it's the 2nd one, it will go away in a few days. If it's the disc then oh boy it's going to be a long pregnancy. I'm not even near my big months yet.

I don't know. It seems weird to me that all of a sudden it happened the same day I got the spinal block. I think that set it off but who knows. All I know is it hurts like crazy to sit or lay because I go numb but yet I'm supposed to be sitting or laying because of the cerclage. I can't win.

I'm supposed to get to lie around and do nothing right now and I can't even feel good about it. That's just not right!

Actually I slept much better last night. I didn't have the pain in my hips and legs but still right at the tailbone. I keep a steady dose of Tylenol going so hopefully it all goes away.