The crappy thing is we won't be having another ultrasound for 2 months. Either Ken AND I misunderstood last time or she is changing her tune. We both heard her say I'd be seen every two weeks with ultrasounds every time. Now she says to come back in a month and won't do another ultrasound 'til the time after that. At that time they will be re-measuring my cervix and re-checking the baby's heart. Nothing is wrong, they just couldn't get a good angle to see all 4 chambers of the heart. The heart rate this time was 146. I'm choosing to believe that is a sleeping or low activity heart rate because this just going to be a girl.
The baby is laying what they transversely. So her (yes, her) head is on my left side, is laying across to where her butt and feet are on my right. That makes sense to me because a lot of times my stomach feels harder in those places and I figured it was baby there. I still haven't had any definite movement though. I think I may have felt a flutter or two but no definite bumps or kicks. The next 3 weeks or so I really should.
I gained 2 lbs so I am almost back up to where I started. I think a 1/2 lb off still. So, that is still no weight gain. I can handle that. The baby is not losing out. She measured at 7 oz with a due date of 12/28 which is right in where they've been saying all along. I know the gaining will start eventually but I can take some comfort that with no gain yet maybe I keep that in range and not become a huge heffer.
Otherwise, I am doing fine. Everything is intact. If you want me to quote the doctor she says, "everything feels nice and tight" - but that just sounds weird!!! I think that is why she is going to 1 month checks now because I'm doing so well. Her exact words were, "I think we can go with a month", so that seems like it's change from what she thought we'd need to do. But that's ok. Even though I was set to have another ultrasound in just 2 weeks, I'm glad everything is going well.
We do have more ultrasound pictures, I swear I will get them up on here soon. I don't think about it again 'til it's time to get more pictures.
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