Aren't the HIPPA laws a pain in the butt? (Ooh, poor choice of words as I will later reveal.) I mean with all the acknowledging that you've been read your rights and declining of literature at every single medical office or pharmacy you visit. Especially when it doesn't really seem to make much difference when they still call out patient's names when trying to protect our privacy.
On the other hand, aren't you glad they don't call you back by whatever aliment you are being seen for that particular day? Can you imagine...
"nagging cough, the doctor will see you now",
"heartburn and indigestion, you can go on back",
"thrombosed hemorrhoid, they're ready for you in the procedure room".
Uh - that last one...that would have been me today. Most people have never even heard of a thrombosed hemorrhoid let alone get one...TWICE! Yep, I am the freak of nature who can't seem to get enough of strangers holding my butt checks apart while my doctor cuts open a hemorrhoid and removes a blood clot. (My first adventure was when I was pregnant with Jace. If you missed out on that story, you can still check it out here.)
I put off that call all day because it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO embarrassing. I finally couldn't take the pain anymore and luckily they could squeeze me in (no pun intended). Last time they asked me if I minded (is that a word) if the student nurse watched the procedure. I figured what the heck, the more the merrier, right?! But when I had my son at the doctor on Friday, they had a really cute male student and the only thing I kept thinking is that they were going to ask me the same thing this time. I just didn't think I could be on board for that. I was not feeling too good about the whole situation. I mean last time I could blame it on my pregnancy - hemorrhoids are common in pregnancy. What was my excuse this time? The fact that I still weigh as much as I did pregnant?! Yeah - that was something to feel good about. Luckily the student wasn't there today. Dodged a bullet there. My doctor did, however, ask me if I had any interest in seeing what he was removing. Hmmm - no, nah, nada! I wasn't feeling that either. It was all so depressing.
So, but I'm feeling better this evening. Thanks for asking. The hydrocodone (left over from some other "incident") and sitting on the pillow my son made in Home Ec are really helping. All the comforts of home!
I'm always asking myself (or anyone who will listen), "it is just me or...? Here I can fill in the blanks to that question all the while reassuring (even if only in my own mind) that of course I was right. Oh and perhaps this "blogging" will keep me sane with my hectic life of as a wife and mom to three boys.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Knock the Corn Mom
Knock the corn...sounds like some Iowa hick thing doesn't it? Like cow tipping or something. Nope - that is how Jace tells me to honk the horn. If we are waiting for someone to come out of a house or something, he says "knock the corn mom". It's so darn cute, you can't help but oblige. Who cares if it's a little rude to the person you are waiting for. Apparently they needed to hurry up anyway (haha).
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Dude, your bedside manner SUCKS!
So today was the day that Jace was getting his tonsils and adenoids out. His surgery was at 8:15 am and we had to be there at 7:15 am. Get there right on time only to find out we were on the schedule for 10:30 am, not 8:15 am. I was holding in my hand the paperwork from the doctor's office that said procedure time: 8:15 am. Apparently his office changed the time (not once but twice) and NEVER notified us! I was pissed!!!!! Not that it mattered to the people at the surgical center. There was nothing they could do, the doctor was doing a procedure at the hospital and obviously wasn't going to drop everything and come running to tend to my child. The nerve of that guy!
I wasn't about to sit around there for 2 hours with those Polly Anna's saying "I'm so sorry" over and over again. All the sorries in the world didn't do a damn thing when my baby started begging me for something to eat which he couldn't have. "Please mommy. PLEASE. You're making me sad mommy."
While back at home, since I am known to almost never check my home voice mail, I decided I had better see if they indeed had tried to contact me. 26 messages later - I was right, no call from his office about the change. But you know what? Even if there had been one, don't you think they should make sure they talk to someone in person rather than just leave a message when it's something like that?!
So, we go back at the "scheduled" time (I use that term very loosely) and about 10:15 am (15 minutes before they are supposed to start), we find out the doctor is running about an hour late. I about blew a gasket! They brought in a portable dvd player and The Bee Movie really helped keep Jace's mind of food. At one point there were asking when was the last he had anything to eat or drink and Jace goes, "I want something to eat - I want a drink". Poor baby!
They finally took him back about 11:30 am and before noon we were talking to the doctor. It all went well but I wanted to make sure he was aware that his office did not notify us of the time change. I figured he would ream some ass much better than I could. The thing is, he wasn't too terribly put off by it. He said those are things beyond his control. REALLY?! My fist going upside your head is about to be beyond my control if you patronize me and my child again!!!! He did finally say they were having trouble with one scheduling nurse doing stuff like that and he would talk to her. I'm sure he won't but it was something.
All and all Jace is doing good. He is talking a lot more than I ever remember Brendon doing when he got his out when he was 4. If fact, Brendon forever became a mumbler after his surgery. Jace isn't really into eating any popsicles yet, will take a few drinks so that's good. He is really sore! Time for some more Tylenol with Codine when he wakes up. I think I need some!
I wasn't about to sit around there for 2 hours with those Polly Anna's saying "I'm so sorry" over and over again. All the sorries in the world didn't do a damn thing when my baby started begging me for something to eat which he couldn't have. "Please mommy. PLEASE. You're making me sad mommy."
While back at home, since I am known to almost never check my home voice mail, I decided I had better see if they indeed had tried to contact me. 26 messages later - I was right, no call from his office about the change. But you know what? Even if there had been one, don't you think they should make sure they talk to someone in person rather than just leave a message when it's something like that?!
So, we go back at the "scheduled" time (I use that term very loosely) and about 10:15 am (15 minutes before they are supposed to start), we find out the doctor is running about an hour late. I about blew a gasket! They brought in a portable dvd player and The Bee Movie really helped keep Jace's mind of food. At one point there were asking when was the last he had anything to eat or drink and Jace goes, "I want something to eat - I want a drink". Poor baby!
They finally took him back about 11:30 am and before noon we were talking to the doctor. It all went well but I wanted to make sure he was aware that his office did not notify us of the time change. I figured he would ream some ass much better than I could. The thing is, he wasn't too terribly put off by it. He said those are things beyond his control. REALLY?! My fist going upside your head is about to be beyond my control if you patronize me and my child again!!!! He did finally say they were having trouble with one scheduling nurse doing stuff like that and he would talk to her. I'm sure he won't but it was something.
All and all Jace is doing good. He is talking a lot more than I ever remember Brendon doing when he got his out when he was 4. If fact, Brendon forever became a mumbler after his surgery. Jace isn't really into eating any popsicles yet, will take a few drinks so that's good. He is really sore! Time for some more Tylenol with Codine when he wakes up. I think I need some!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Does that say REEBOK on the side of your face?
Ok - I am posting this to try to win a Wii over at City Mama's blog. You are supposed to post an embarrassing fitness story. This isn't so much embarrassing but cringeworthy and mortifying as a mother.
About 9 or 10 years ago, I was joining the Tae Bo craze. I actually like Tae Bo even though you sweat like a pig when doing it. Anyway, one day I was doing Tae Bo in my living room, Dallas (who was 3 or 4 years old at the time) was playing with his legos behind me in the living room. Not a problem, 'til he decide to run down the hall to the playroom. He was running passed me at the exact same moment I did a side kick and I kicked him right in the side of the face - knocked him into the couch. I felt horrible. It was a pretty good kick. I am surprised the word REEBOK wasn't imbedded on his check. Can you imagine? I felt sooooooooooo bad!!!!!!!
About 9 or 10 years ago, I was joining the Tae Bo craze. I actually like Tae Bo even though you sweat like a pig when doing it. Anyway, one day I was doing Tae Bo in my living room, Dallas (who was 3 or 4 years old at the time) was playing with his legos behind me in the living room. Not a problem, 'til he decide to run down the hall to the playroom. He was running passed me at the exact same moment I did a side kick and I kicked him right in the side of the face - knocked him into the couch. I felt horrible. It was a pretty good kick. I am surprised the word REEBOK wasn't imbedded on his check. Can you imagine? I felt sooooooooooo bad!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Teacher Fired for Misconduct...
in her private life, personal time.
My kids told me tonight that a female, 7th grade teacher got fired for stripping. I first I thought they meant that this person moonlighted as a stripper - we all know teacher's don't make much money. But apparently that was not the case. My 8th grader's details were pretty sketchy. Apparently this teacher stripped somewhere and a student's parent witnessed it (again, sounds like a strip joint to me) and called the school.
My 7th grader said he heard it happened at a bar in one of the small towns in our school district. Said teacher was out with friends and apparently the group decided to have a contest amongst themselves as to who of them had the best body. Said teacher started with lifting her shirt to show her bare midsection and then went on to strip off more. I don't how much she took off, if it was just her top or if she was down to her Victoria Secrets or what. But apparently the Associate Principal happened to be frequenting the same establishment that night and witness the incident.
The teacher has now been fired. What I am wondering is why does what she does outside of school, not in the presence of any of her students matter to her job security? I understand that with all the serious teacher misduct involving sex with students in the news in recent years, there is probably a lean toward nipping any inpropriority in the bud. But, like I said, this didn't happen at school and she didn't strip in front of her students. I assume she was probably well respected. In addition to her regular teaching duties, she was a after-school program coach, and was also dating a well liked and respected faculty member. Now because of something (albeit ill-advised) she did in her personal life, she has lost her job and reportedly the other faculty member has dumped her too.
Is this fair? Who hasn't done things, especially when drinking, that they aren't embarrassed by? Mortified even? Heck, one read through my "embarrassing moments" post shows I've had my fair share. But would we have lost our jobs over those actions? Should this teacher have been fired for this? Perhaps teacher's contracts have a morality clause but was this immoral? She had a little too much to drink and lost both her inhibitions and her good judgement. Does this make her a bad person? Does that mean she can't teach 7th grade math? Would it have been different if she were a stipper at a strip joint? Should what teachers do in their private lives remain private and not affect their jobs so long as no students are involved?
When I was in high school I worked at a fast food joint that happened to be acrossed the street from the dirty book store. One day when I was washing windows, I saw our school counselor enter that facility. Did the fact that he liked to look at porn (or get a little slap and ticket) make him unable to help a student decide if they should go to college or become a pest control specialist? Did it mean he couldn't sit two fighting girls down and get them to see that they were best friends two minutes ago and will be again in two minutes. Did it mean he couldn't spot a troubled teen and get them help? If you think it does mean all those things? Why? Because he took his fetish out into the daylight? What if he watched hard core porn at home and no one ever knew? Does that make him any more qualified to perform his job duties?
I feel for this woman. I have long known that I can never run for politic office for fear that my past misdeeds would resurfice. And I have endoured embarrassment too but imagine how she must feel knowing the entire school district is judging her.
What do you think?
My kids told me tonight that a female, 7th grade teacher got fired for stripping. I first I thought they meant that this person moonlighted as a stripper - we all know teacher's don't make much money. But apparently that was not the case. My 8th grader's details were pretty sketchy. Apparently this teacher stripped somewhere and a student's parent witnessed it (again, sounds like a strip joint to me) and called the school.
My 7th grader said he heard it happened at a bar in one of the small towns in our school district. Said teacher was out with friends and apparently the group decided to have a contest amongst themselves as to who of them had the best body. Said teacher started with lifting her shirt to show her bare midsection and then went on to strip off more. I don't how much she took off, if it was just her top or if she was down to her Victoria Secrets or what. But apparently the Associate Principal happened to be frequenting the same establishment that night and witness the incident.
The teacher has now been fired. What I am wondering is why does what she does outside of school, not in the presence of any of her students matter to her job security? I understand that with all the serious teacher misduct involving sex with students in the news in recent years, there is probably a lean toward nipping any inpropriority in the bud. But, like I said, this didn't happen at school and she didn't strip in front of her students. I assume she was probably well respected. In addition to her regular teaching duties, she was a after-school program coach, and was also dating a well liked and respected faculty member. Now because of something (albeit ill-advised) she did in her personal life, she has lost her job and reportedly the other faculty member has dumped her too.
Is this fair? Who hasn't done things, especially when drinking, that they aren't embarrassed by? Mortified even? Heck, one read through my "embarrassing moments" post shows I've had my fair share. But would we have lost our jobs over those actions? Should this teacher have been fired for this? Perhaps teacher's contracts have a morality clause but was this immoral? She had a little too much to drink and lost both her inhibitions and her good judgement. Does this make her a bad person? Does that mean she can't teach 7th grade math? Would it have been different if she were a stipper at a strip joint? Should what teachers do in their private lives remain private and not affect their jobs so long as no students are involved?
When I was in high school I worked at a fast food joint that happened to be acrossed the street from the dirty book store. One day when I was washing windows, I saw our school counselor enter that facility. Did the fact that he liked to look at porn (or get a little slap and ticket) make him unable to help a student decide if they should go to college or become a pest control specialist? Did it mean he couldn't sit two fighting girls down and get them to see that they were best friends two minutes ago and will be again in two minutes. Did it mean he couldn't spot a troubled teen and get them help? If you think it does mean all those things? Why? Because he took his fetish out into the daylight? What if he watched hard core porn at home and no one ever knew? Does that make him any more qualified to perform his job duties?
I feel for this woman. I have long known that I can never run for politic office for fear that my past misdeeds would resurfice. And I have endoured embarrassment too but imagine how she must feel knowing the entire school district is judging her.
What do you think?
Officially the MOST fattening thing I have ever eaten!

I've sunk to an all time low in eating things that are bad for me...
Introducing the Burger King Loaded Steakhouse Burger!
What is it loaded with you might ask?!
Oh, just Durkee fried onions, mashed potatoes w/ sour cream & chives, bacon, A1 steak sauce, and cheese.
Let's take a look at the nutritional (ha) value...
970 calories
55 grams of fat
2190 mgs of sodium
63 grams of carbs
I still can't believe I ate this concoction and actually proclaim to want to lose weight. What is wrong with me?! I think I need an intervention! HELP!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Good Friends, Good Times

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