Thursday, October 09, 2008

Seen and NOT Heard...

I'm going to file this under "children should be seen, not heard"...

So, I was playing Mom Taxi again today...scheduled to pick up one son from open gym for basketball and another son (and three of his friends) from the 8th grade football game. On the way home, a light changed to yellow know all of a sudden, out of now where, didn't see it coming, unpredictably. There was way too much distance between me and the light to even try to make it, yet not enough distance between me and the light to slow down and come to a stop at an even, steady pace. I pressed the brakes VERY firmly and said, "WHOA!!". Then I heard from the back seat from one of the friends (my kids know better)..."you shouldn't be speeding and you wouldn't have to do that".

I was speechless (hard to believe, I know). I could not believe he had said that to me. I mean, what ever happened to respect your elders?! Then I was kinda ticked. I was like beggers can't be choosers - if you need me to give you a ride home then no comments from the peanut gallery as to how I drive. And that is in no way an admission of guilt. I actually have no idea how fast I was going so I couldn't really say one way or the other. Still...I was TOTALLY disrespected!

(wow - how many "figures of speech" did I manage to use in this post.)

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