Friday, January 28, 2011

Conduct Unbecoming - Part 2

I wrote last year about some unbecoming conduct (see part 1 here) that I witnessed at a freshman basketball game. This year I'm writing about conduct that actually unbecoming doesn't even cover it. Immoral, reprehensible, vicious, disgusting, sick, depraved, sleazy, wretched are all words that would work (thanks This again happened at a local basketball game (ironically the same school from my first post was involved) and although *disclaimer* I was not there personally, I have been told about it by more than one source. So, there was a particular player on the TEAM A whose mother died tragically a few years back. When this player was shooting free throws the student section for TEAM B starting chanting "WHERE'S YOUR MOTHER?!!" (up and down tempo like...WHERE'S your MOTHer?!!)

Can you fucking believe that?! How low? How disgraceful and disgusting?! My boys told me about it a couple weeks after it happened and I was so outraged that I wanted to contact the principal at that school myself! I certainly hope something was done about it but how do you know? I mean I can understand that the staff on hand at that moment probably had no idea what the meaning was behind it but I'm sure word spread like wildfire throughout the rest of the game and evening. That is just so completely morally reprehensible it makes me sick! And it doesn't even matter how someone died - if you have any sense of decency what-so-ever you don't go there...EVER!!! Like I said, I hope something was done about it and, yes, perhaps a whole school shouldn't be condemned for the actions of some but still this was a very public display by their student body. Again, it goes way beyond conduct unbecoming.

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