We got some great pictures today. I know I shouldn't even bother saying that since I haven't followed through with getting them up on here. I will, I will, I will! One was really cute where his foot was up by his head but he moved his head right when she took the still shot so it's out of the frame and now it just looks like an odd leg laying in there. HA.
And yes, I said "he". Apparently it's still a boy. It didn't fall off in the last 3 weeks since the last ultrasound. Now just still deciding on a name. I think it's still Nicholas for the 1st name but now we can't agree on Richard or Dean for a middle name. I say Dean. Not just because it is my mom's middle name but it sounds better with Nicholas. I told Ken since he got his boy the least he could do is let me pick the name.
I'm still doing great. My cervix is unchanged - still long and thick. I've only gained 4 lbs overall. The nurse keeps asking me, "you are eating though, right?". OF COURSE - when have I ever not been eating! HA. No, but I don't eat anymore than I usually do and I'm eating the same stuff I usually do. Nothing more (or less) fatten than before. The baby measured at 1 lb 7 oz. The e-mail updates I get from American Baby put the 23 week average a 1 lb. So the baby is doing fine without me packing on an extra layer so we are ok with that.
Starting Monday I get to start parking in handicap at work anyway. For about a week or so now I have been having trouble with the morning hike from the back 40 of the parking lot to the building. By time I hit the sidewalk, I was short of breath, stomach hurt, felt like I was either was going to throw up or pee my pants. I don't know if anyone could ever tell but it's probably not a vision to see me doing Lamaze breathing just to walk from point A to point B. I mentioned it to my doctor and she faxed over a note to work and they didn't have a problem with it. Yeah PMX. We'll see if I get to the point where I need a temporary handicap permit for all my ventures. All that will mean is that I'll be the designated driver to EVERYWHERE. HA.
I start going every 2 weeks now and will have my 1 hour gestational diabetes check in 4 weeks. Oh boy can't wait for that. Nothing to eat or drink for 2 hours before and an hour during - yeah that's logical for a pregnant woman. I don't know if we'll have any more ultrasounds. Probably because they is there best way to measure my cervix. I want so bad to ask if I am going to ever get a 3d ultrasound but I don't want to sound pushy. I know even though they have them they don't always offer them. We'll see.
Well, I am taking off for some much needed veggin' on my couch. I have been working 12 - 14 hours overtime a week and I am taking the night off. Not that it matters much since I'll be working Saturday and the holiday but I'll take it.
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