Needless to say I've been a wreck since I got the call. Then I missed the call back with our appt time so I was wondering why the heck they hadn't called me back yet. I finally checked my voice mail and they had actually called. I'm trying to stay positive but it's scary. We previously turned down all of the genetic testing they offered (based on my age) because we figured there wouldn't be anything they can do anyway. I guessing that if this new ultrasound shows a defect they will insist on an amniocentesis to rule out chromosome defects.
I remember we went through (3) different scares with Dallas - one before he was born and all of those came out fine. So, like I said, I am trying to stay positive and keep my mind off it but it's hard. It's not that I'm worried we'll lose the baby. I know they can do heart surgery and even can do that inutero. I'm worried if it's a chromosome thing then mental retardation always come to mind. Or with a heart defect, life long health problems. I just don't know if I'm strong enough to get through something like that. I guess you never do know until or unless it happens to you.
Keep us in your prayers this next week.
The good thing about Dr. Abernathy is that she is overly cautious. That means you might worry a little extra, but it also makes you feel good that you know she is taking good care of you and making sure she checks for every possiblity. I have faith that in this case they are just being extra cautious and everything will turn out A-OK. I know that's not going to stop you from worrying between now and Thursday, but I want you to know we are here for you; hoping for the best and praying for you.
Dear Lori......I am so sorry you have to have this extra worry. I am sure everything will be fine, but I do wish doctors wouldn't say anything until they are sure. She could have just told you that she wanted another ultrasound without saying why!
Of course I will be thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers. Just stay positive. And know that God doesn't give you anything you can't handle!!
Keep in touch....Love ya....Aunt Lila
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