Anyway, she went and showed everything to a doctor and then the doctor came in to watch her do more of the ultrasound. Funny thing - in that timeframe the baby flipped and they no longer could get a good view of the heart. They referred back to the pictures she saved earlier while she kept trying to get the baby to move. They were finally able to get a couple more views of the heart. Again, they didn't find anything. The one doctor said maybe there was a brighter spot and if you used your imagination then maybe you could make something of it but she didn't see it as anything. The other doctor said they were beautiful pictures of the heart. I was trying to hold back tears and the med student said, "this is a good thing" so then I had to choke out the words "I know, these are happy tears!". They all smiled and chuckled.
Our theme seems to be settle or discount one issue but find another. Well, turns out that on 1 out of 3 pictures of the baby's kidneys today - they think the left kidney was slightly enlarged. Again, this was only on 1 out of 3 pictures. SO...we get to do this Level 2 ultrasound again at 36 weeks to double check the kidneys before the baby is born. Again, they are telling us this could be absolutely nothing. The said that they have a set size the kidneys should be at 18 weeks, but I'm passed that stage. They also have a set size for the kidneys at 28 weeks and I'm not there yet. So, they said it could very well be that everything is fine for my gestational stage but they just don't have those set numbers. When someone is that far along they offer to come to Cedar Rapids to do the ultrasound. I took them up on that since with my stitches I may not tracel well at 36 weeks. So, that will be Dec. 8th.
Otherwise, I have a regular ob check on Monday the 20th (Brendon's 11th b-day) and another on Oct. 1st so chugging along we go.
The baby measured at 1 lb 12 oz - slightly above the above of 1 lb 8 oz - and the heartbeat was 146. Yes, slowing down to that boy rate.
I can't tell you how relieved we were or thank you all enough for your kind words and wishes. I asked Ken if he had said his prayers this morning or if he had at all. He said yes and asked if I had - and I said yes. I know you all did too.
I saw our family doctor later in the day and I hadn't been in since I've been pregnant so when they asked how everything was going I told them we've hit some bumps along the way but we are getting through fine. Now we pray it stays that way.
Thanks everyone.
OH YEAH...I forgot....
the technician was typing some stuff into the computer before she went to get the doctor. The first words I saw were "no abnormalities noted" and that was great! But then right befor she shut if off I saw this, "view limited due to patient's size". WHAT THE ...?!! I totally don't even know what that means!!! I guess it means since I'm overweight (aka FAT) they couldn't see as well. That totally sucks that they would even say that. I have to say I was kind of offended.
1 comment:
I am so glad to hear your good news. I had faith from the beginning that everything is okay. Dr. Abernathy sent me for an ultrasound on my thyroid when I was pregnant with Skyler & Spencer. When I got to the hospital for that ultrasound, the doctor felt my neck and said "I wouldn't have even sent you in for this." But I guess it's better to be safe then sorry. I'm sure the kidney thing is nothing to worry about either. It sounds like you had some good doctors in there and I am so happy for you that you got this great news.
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