Friday, November 28, 2008

Open Up...It's the POlice...

That's what I thought I was going to hear when I all of a sudden there was banging on my door at 6:00 am this morning. I must have been semi-awake because I heard voices outside and I thought maybe it was the police at the house 3 houses up who often have loud music all hours of the day and their house and their cars...the occupants and their vistors - it's very annoying. Then all of a sudden there was a banging on my door. Still thinking it was the police, I was trying to figure out why there were at my house. I hadn't called the police, both boys were home and in bed (no eggs being thrown off overpasses that night), I hadn't left the house in almost 24 hours, was someone accusing me of something?, was someone in an accident?, were they looking for someone?

I got up, went to the door, turned on the outside light but I did not open the door because we do not have a screen door and if I open the main door there is nothing between me and whoever is on the other side. I heard someone say, "they're there" and when they came back and knocked again, I asked who it was and they said the water dept. I thought, "oh crap am I being disconnected?". I opened the door and they said there was a water main break right out in front of my house and they would need me to move my vehicle that was parked in the street. I said, "that is not my car, it's my neighbor's girlfriend's". They suggested I move my car out of my driveway anyway because if I needed to go somewhere, they'd be blocking it while they were digging. So, I got dressed and pulled my car into the street, up one house. I crawled back in bed and put my eye mask on since they had huge spotlights shining on my yard. I actually think I was close to going back to sleep when they came again, this time ringing the bell, to tell me that they'd be shutting the water off soon. REALLY?! I could have done without that bullentin. Figured it was a no brainer anyway. I'm like, "no really that's ok, I'm not about to be going ahead and taking a shower or doing any dishes at 6:44 am on MY DAY OFF!"

Once they started digging - there was no way I was going to sleep so I came out on the couch to watch tv. I tried to take some pictures of the huge back-hoe and dumptruck that was in my front yard but since I was laying all stealthlike on my living room floor, peering out the blinds, trying to snap a photo without me or my flash being detected...none of them really turned out.

So, now my front yard is all dug up about 3 feet back from the curb the entire length of my yard. And my mailbox spent most of day laying on top of the pile. When I looked outside when they were done, it appeared they had put the mailbox back in it's rightful place but by noon it had flopped. The boys and I tried several times to prop it up so that they would deliver the mail but it kept falling. I finally stuck it into the fresh dirt they put back and it's holding for now. I believe that is their responsibility to put it back so I guess I'll have to call Monday. But I think I probably should pay my bill first. Righteous indignation kinda looses a bit when you owe that person money.

I'm thinking the inconvenience of my mailbox being a little weak in the knees is better than if that bang on the door really had been to po-po cuz those visits are never a good thing.

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