Tuesday, August 31, 2004

didn't realize my face needed fixed, but...

I've mentioned that I've been going on the American baby message boards a lot this pregnancy...well, recently they've changed the format and all the stuff we had built into our signatures had to be re-formatted. I had been having so many problems redoing my pictures. Sometimes they would post really huge - like a full page - and I thought that was kinda vain so I figured I needed to resize them but other times, like in responses, they would post just fine so I was venting on the message boards about it. (I never claimed to be very computer literate.) Anyway, another mom or mom-to-be sent me an e-mail saying that she hoped I didn't mind but she resized my pictures for me and offered to e-mail me the new ones to use. This is her e-mail though...

..."I saved your pics and resized them so they will fit better in your sig. They will also fix your face which looks like it got messed up but it looks fine in the one I did. ..."

I know she was just trying to help but that took me back a little at first! Like I said, I know I'm not the fairest maiden in all of the land but I didn't realize my face was "messed up".

That reminds me of a conversation Christine and I had at her 30th b-day party about the show "Extreme Makeover". I always thought I'd like to have some plastic surgery and hey if it's free all the better but some of those people REALLY need the help if you know what I mean. I don't think I'm that bad off but yeah re-align the headlights (boob lift), trim off some of the underbelly and fenders (liposuction), straighten out and polish the grill (tooth venures & whitening) and clean up the vision in mirrors with some laser treatment (lasik eye surgery) and I'd be good to go. That's not too extreme. Christine and I wondered then if there is a "Moderate Makeover" somewhere. HA.

Lilypie Baby Days

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