Saturday, December 29, 2007

Protect Your Largest Organ...

Have you heard of this campaign? It's for skin cancer awareness...your skin being your largest organ. I stumbled acrossed it on Soap Opera Town USA where I check up on General Hospital happenings (I know I have NO life) and one of the stars of GH, Jason Thompson (HOTTIE to the maxx) is one of the models for the campaign.

Check this out...

or other celebs at under Special Items, look for the Protect Your Largest Organ slogan.

Friday, December 21, 2007

My Baby is 3 today...

Today is Jace's 3rd birthday. My baby is growing up. Look how perfect he was 3 years ago today! Not that he isn't still perfect. He is one funny little boy. Light of our lives.

He woke up this morning being the "not a 6:30 in morning person" that he is saying NO it was NOT his birthday. All the time I sang Happy Birthday to him, he was saying NO.

By time we got to day care, he was all for it. Couldn't wait to get inside and say he was 3!

The Middle Name Meme...

Ok I admit, I have NO CLUE what I am doing today with this post. The only thing I know for sure I am supposed to do is take the letters of my middle name and come up with a word starting with each letter than tells something about me. Other than that I am suppose to also post the rules of the game and tag other players. Here is why I am confused...these are the rules as they were presented to me...

1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. If you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.

#3 is where I am first confused..."post...your own middle name game facts"...does this mean I make up my own rules...OH WAIT...blonde moment..."rules" and "facts" being two totally different things here. "Rules" being 1 - 4 above and "facts" being yet to be determined because I haven't listed my middle name with it's words/"facts" yet. OK I GET IT NOW...SEE JUST GIVE ME A SECOND OR TWO AND I CAN EVENTUALLY CATCH ON!!

BUT...I am still confused on #4, if I tag someone, they have to post to their blog continuing the game. I don't know any other bloggers than myself and the person who tagged me. I suppose, if I tag someone, they can do theirs in e-mail. I'll just send them my blog posting.

MAN - this is TOO hard. I can't handle the pressure! I am so not mainstreamed yet into blogger society.

So, here goes, the "rules" again are:

1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. If you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.

A - Animals. As in the stuffed variety. I used to collect stuffed animals. I had them all over my head board and even hanging on the wall above my bed. As I've been forced (kicking and screaming) to grow up, over the years, I've only kept the ones that have meaning and let the others go. I wish I could say I gave them to a good charity or something but to be honest, I don't know what ever became of them. Maybe they are on the Isle of Misfit Toys.

N - Naughty. I have an evil twin named, Lola, who says all the naughty things Lori is too nice to say. Lola can come out at any time, tends to swear like a sailor, and is the queen of sarcasism.

N - I was going to cop out and use Nice but that's too easy. So, let's go with Nap. OH, how I love to take me a nap. I don't get them as often since Jace thinks he is too old for them now. A great day would involve more than one nap. Just like when the kids were babes...a morning and afternoon nap. What more can you ask for?

Ok, that was kinda hard with two N's but I finally completed the task. So, I am going to tag:


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Lunchtime Chat

At lunch the other day the lunch bunch was talking...let me just preface this with saying that MANY, MANY a lunchtime conversation have taken a serious downward turn...into the gutter that is...often in record time no less...

Anyway, I was talking about how I'm not sure the alarm clock I got my niece for Chrsitmas was the exact one my brother had dictated to me. A member of the lunch bunch wanted to know if I told him I wasn't a "dic-taker". To which I swiftly replied..."I don't know if I want to go on record with that statement at this time!" HAHAHAHAHAHA!

I mean, I'm not even divorced yet, give a girl a chance to bounce back before she gives up on Dick (or Tom or Harry or Matt or Bob or Steve or Pete or the Hells Angels or the Boys Tabernacle Choir - oh wait that's just wrong!).

Monday, December 17, 2007

Pardon the interruption...

Do you now an interupter? You know that person who when you are talking butts in to either...

1) say how that same thing happened to them or someone in their family only much worse or much better whichever the case may be.

- or -

2) say something completely off track that has nothing to do with what you were saying

- or - I almost forgot this one...

3) to talk to someone else in the room (or yell at their kids)

Now I can see how occasionally it's unavoidable or a slip of good conscious (not to mention social decency) to interrupt. And I admit I have been guilty of it myself from time to time. BUT the difference between myself and this other socially inept mutant is that I feel bad afterward, apologize for interupting and politely let the person finish as soon as I am done (ha).

What gets me is the interupter who not only interupts once in a single converstion but continues to do so to the point that you NEVER finish what you were saying and they NEVER notice. They were never invested in what you were saying whatsoever. They are so obsessively narcissistic that they never give the lead back to you. No "I'm sorry, what were you saying" or "Oh I didn't mean to interrupt, go on". The worse head cases will go on and on with their interuption and then say, "where was I going with this". At this point, you are willing to jab them in the eye with a screwdriver to get them to shut up. But no, being the beacon of Emily Post rules of etiquette that you are, you listen intently while visions of them choking on their last breathe dance in your head and then you finally get a word in which is of course "I'm sorry, what were you saying".

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Losing Weight...

I swear I've got to be losing weight. Good news right?! But it's odd...I'm only losing in my shoulders! I know it sounds weird but it must be because EVERY BRA I CURRENTLY OWN, ALL OF A SUDDEN, THE STRAPS SLIDE OFF MY SHOULDERS CONSTANTLY!!!

It's it a total pain when your bra doesn't fit. I bought (2) new ones at Penney's recently for $30 each (actually it was BOGO - Buy One, Get One) and both of them slip. One of them is SOOO bad, the other day I was wearing it and as the shoulder strap would slip, as soon as I pulled it back up - at that very moment the cup would rise up and my boob would slip out under the underwire. Now, I know that is not the meaning of "underwire" that your boob goes UNDER the wire.

I've never experienced that before - sliding out under the bra. On occassion when wearing an ill-fitting bra, I've had boobs pop out the top - over the cup - but never under the cup! For instance, I learned the hard way that if you are large breasted not to buy a Wonder Bra (the push up kind) a size smaller than you normally wear. Pretty much no chance of those babies staying in there!

Back to the saga of the other day...then when I would adjust the bottom and get my stray boob back where it belonged - at that moment the shoulder strap would fall off again!

It was driving me so crazy I really just wanted to take it off. I seriously was thinking I would be better off. YEAH if they were still 18 year old boobs untouched by the cruel reality of aging and motherhood! Back when they were innocent, perky, full of life, every adventure still ahead of them. Not 38 year old boobs that have seen their better days!

Life (and bras apparently) can be so cruel!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Two Teenagers in the house...

Today is Dallas' 13th birthday! Now there are officially two teenagers in the house (although sometimes they act more Jace's age - ha!).

He is at his dad' today so I waited 'til after 10:00 am to call him. I said an enthusiastic HAPPY BIRTHDAY and get no response. He was totally grumpy. I don't know if he just got up, or is feeling like it doesn't really seem like his birthday to him.

He already got his gift from me back in August - a Razor (phone that is for anyone still in the last century).

His dad gave him his gift on Thanksgiving so that he could wear it for good luck during the Cowboys game that day. It was a Marion Barber jersey. You couldn't have wiped the smile off his face when he saw it and put it on. BUT that was a couple weeks ago now so the novelty has worn off.

Since he is at his dad's this weekend - he didn't have his "party" yet. He'll have some friends over next weekend.

And so that we can combine his at Jace's b-days together, we aren't doing cake and ice cream with family 'til next Sunday.

On top of all of that, he came to me a few days ago wanting to have a big boy/girl party like what we offered to Brendon when he turned 13. Brendon originally wanted the big party and later backed out. I guess ever since then...the thought never occurred to me that Dallas should have the same opportunity. That must be why Dallas suffers from Jan Brady (Marcia, Marcia, Marcia) Middle Child Syndrome. Unfortunately, I told him that on such short notice and with money already tight for Christmas, we could not afford that right now. He is really disappointed.

So, once again I get the Mother of the Year award and kids once again show how ungrateful they can be. They have such short term memories when it comes to the great things they do have in their lives. Ahh teenagers...and blessed with two...Christmas came early for me!!!!

Ho On the Go

Ahh...I bet you tuned in thinking this was a Santa related post...Ho. Something about Santa being on the go OR Christmas cheer during this busy time of the year. Well...not so much.

I was surfing the net yesterday looking for ideas for our Secret Santa exchange at work. I actually call it Dirty Santa because it's the one were you get to steal someone else's gift if you want.

We have a $20 limit and usually it also needs to be unisex because there are usually a couple token guys (sorry Pat and Rob - hehe). This year there are no guys so that opened up the options a little. Anyway, as I was surfing for ideas, I came across this...

For the Ho on the Go - the original one night stand kit for the modern one night stand. For those nights when you just can't make it home.

Kit includes:
(1) pair of thong underwear
(2) condoms
(1) mini toothbrush
(1) mini toothpaste
(1) moist towelette

Now I didn't really see this being a fitting gift for anyone in the exchange at work. None of my other (grown up) friends for that matter but it still struck me as funny. Where was this 10 - 15 years ago when it could have been a practical gift?!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Can't beat these gas prices...

Last night after book club, where Before Women Had Wings was discussed over food and drinks, and after picking Jace up from my brother & sister-in-law's I needed to get gas. I pulled into the Quik Trip...nay Road Ranger. There were a couple cars at the pumps already and I pulled in between them. I wanted to pay inside because I also wanted to stock up on a couple sodas for the mornng. So, I selected PAY INSIDE CREDIT on the pump. I really was paying with my debit card but PAY INSIDE DEBIT was not an option.

Wait...let me go back a little...I was wondering why the pump wasn't asking me which payment option I wanted on the screen like it normally does. It already was to the point where it tells you to pick up the nozzle and lift the handle. Ok, so I pushed the PAY INSIDE CREDIT button that is near the number pad. It was slow reacting but finally the screen changed and said $7.00 Prepaid. I thought GREAT - somehow I selected some option that only allowed me to put in $7.00 worth. I wondered why the heck would they pick that crazy odd amount as a limit when you want to PAY INSIDE CREDIT. I just said screw it, $7.00 is enough for now - I'll get more gas tomorrow. It pumped in the $7.00 and the pump shut off.

But wait a second...something still seemed a miss here...the pump went back to the start screen asking me to select a payment method. I decided to start over and go ahead and fill up. I was starting to suspect someone screwed up...someone pre-paid (for $7.00) and then didn't actually pump it. So, this time I selected PAY OUTSIDE DEBIT because I didn't want to go inside and face the cashier if they had put 2 and 2 together and accuse me of scamming them. My sodas could wait - I had a 2 liter of Diet Mt Dew at home and that would get me through the night (as it has many a night - ha).

As I was pumping (again), I noticed the car on the same island as me, which had already been there when I pulled in, it's driver had walked inside (I figured to pay and go on his way) and now was on his way back to his car. He was on his cell phone and I had not pushed 1 for English so I couldn't understand him. By now I had put 4 and 4 together and determined HE was the one who had prepaid for $7.00 and the cashier inside screwed up and posted the prepayment to pump 3 (mine) instead of pump 4 (his). The whole time he had been standing there waiting to be able to pump his $7.00 worth...that $7.00 was being pump into my truck.

At this point, I decided NOT to fill up - to cut my losses and get the hell out of there! I stopped my pump at $20. Thank God I had selected PAY OUTSIDE DEBIT so all I had to do was slap my gas cap back on, jump in and peel out...inconspicuously of course. I fumbled with the gas cap at feverish pace as if I were calf roping in a rodeo and once it was screwed in tightly I could throw my hands up in the air signaling the judges to stop the clock and give me my score. Cap in place, I jumped in, quickly looked inside the building - scanning the faces of the workers to see if they had any inclining as to what just happened and then...I put the petal to the metal.

There was a car in front of me waiting to pull out in traffic and when it was my turn I had to wait for oncoming cars before I could safely pull across the lanes. Panic was setting in...I thought I was busted for sure! I thought about turning the opposite direction just to get going and get out of view. The last thing I wanted was for them to get a description of my vehicle or my license plate #. Ever see those pictures on the gas pump of the Iowa State Trooper saying that if you don't pay for your gas you can loose your license? SC-AAAR-RRYYY!!!

I got down the road was still basking in the glory of free gas when I realized at $2.84 a gallon my coo amounted to all of 2.46 gallons of gas. Still, it was a victory over price gouging every where!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree

Amazing how putting up the Christmas tree can make you feel so much better. My whole day has been a lot more productive than yesterday. I did the work I couldn't bring myself to do yesterday, then I finished the tree. We have a big pre-lit tree and I LOVE it. Until today though it was up but not decorated. I put on the garland, first a big silver one then a smaller gold one with little stars. Then the ornaments. Since there are so many lights, I don't have to use many ornaments. I start with all the ones that have meaning - the ones the kids have made in school, ones made for me with the kid's initials, the angels in our birthstone colors, the fluffy cat that reminds me of my aunt, etc. Then I add the miscellaneous ones that are just my favorites for some reason - cute mostly. Then I add the some of the traditional colored round ones. Then I fill in the wholes with some ceramic like ones that are Christmas themed little statues, like a Santa, a toy train, a toy solider, a rocking horse, a fireplace, an angel. I put that angel one toward the top of the tree because they boys won't let me put my big lit angel on. They like the star better. The star is up there but not lit yet. Need to find an extension cord. Whoever invented prelit trees should have made it so that the tree topper can plug into the tree. Maybe they do but I have never seen where. Of course Ken always puts the tree together for me (this year was no different) so maybe he never saw it. Oh and the final touches, just a few icicles. Dallas had asked me not to use those this year because they are annoying when they fall off and stick to your feet. Silly boy.

Anyway, decorating the tree has always been my most treasured Christmas memory. I loved decorating the tree with my mom. She always did the lights and garland and I did the ornaments. She would tell me where holes needed to be filled in and such. I remember Brendon's 2nd Christmas, Dallas' first, I wrote her a poemy letter about those memories. Typed it up, framed it, and gave it to her for Christmas that year. She displayed it for a couple Christmases but I think it's in a drawer somewhere now. I feel kinda guilty I didn't wait for the boys to come home to help with the ornaments. They always give up helping every year anyway because my OCD would kick in and I would micromange every placement. Not too many of the same color in the same place, none too close to one another, etc.

Last year I started laying claim to some of my mom's holiday decorations. I wasn't trying to dampen the mood or anything but I just wanted her to know which ones meant a lot to me and that I would like to have them...someday...ummm...when she was gone. She understood my intention and even went ahead and gave me the nativity scene I had mentioned. She hadn't put it out for years so she wanted me to go ahead and have it. It's on my tv right now. It's big - one of the 3 wisemen is as big as my foot (yes, I measured) - and even though I have small feet, that is still pretty big. It's from Home Interiors and the only thing missing is the stable/manger but I still love it.

Manger - "Away in the manger no crib for a bed. The little lord Jesus lay down his sweet head. The stars in the sky look down where he lay. The little lord Jesus asleep on the hay". Another Christmas memory. My mom and my grandmother (I think my aunt as well) had the same Christmas carol book with the sheet music and illustrations. I don't know how to read music but I did know one set of keys from low C to high C or something like that. My grandmother wrote in the letters of the keys for me on "Away in the Manger" and when we'd go to her house (in Missouri) for Christmas, I would play it on the piano and sing along. Not in front of the whole family or anything on the night we opened gifts, just throughout the visit as my grandmother would either be busy in the adjoining kitchen or sitting in her green rocking chair right behind me. So, I told my momther that that music book of Christmas carols is another thing I'd like to have someday. I really wish I knew what happened to my grandmother's with those notes written in for me but I remember it like yesterday none the less.

So, the Christmas spirit has gotten hold of me today. The next feat is to make sure there are presents under that tree in 22 days. Better start on my letter to Santa.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

stream of consciousness...

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but inside it's so insightful, outside the ice and snow is falling and no friends are coming calling...I am soooo bored...sitting around with nothing to do but think...contempating the differences, if any, between lonliness and Alonliness. Looking at my bare Christmas tree that for now is as empty as I feel - for now. Fueling myself today with butter sandwiches and burnt peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Watching Janet find her prince charming in one Eddie Lateca on October Road isn't helping. Hey but I am happy for her. My boys are away and I miss them. I always look forward to some down time, some quiet time when they go for weekends to their dads' but the truth is I have my fill of that by the end of the first night. I spend the rest of the time missing their smiles and laughter and five minutes after they get home I'm cursing them for fighting or tormenating. Jumped up this morning at the first sound of sleet hitting my window knowing I had to go pay my rent today. Don't want to pay any late fees ($10 a day you know) or the $50 court cost for the 3 day notice to evict. (Hmmm - wonder how I know how much the fees are?) Rent...on a cold, cold place. It's cold outside...cold inside...the windows are drafty, there is a gap in the front door frame, no storm door, no one to cuddle under a blanket on the couch with. I am systematically going through my dvr. First Big Shots, then Desperate Housewives, then Samantha Who, then October Rd, now Gossip Girl, soon Life, followed by Dirty Sexy Money, then ER, oh and another Big Shots. Thinking of treking to the mailbox knowing it's probably full of overdue notices but really wondering if possibly there is a Soap Opera Digest. I can trivally scan through that for about an hour. Not much more substance than that anywhere to be found. Finished my book for book club last night..."Before Women Had Wings"'s a story of unconditional love for your parents despite an abusive, nay traumatic childhood. Probably should leave that one alone. My favorite part of the book...the main character, Bird, was describing an old woman she had become friends with, her solice from the abusive mother, and although the woman was black the rest of the description made me think of my maternal grandmother. Fond memories but made me miss for the summers I spent with her. The sleet is really pounding now. The heat just kicked on. Can forced air heat warm the soul? It's dark. Only the lights of the tv, the tree, and the blinds occassionally moving in the breeze. I liked reading again. I found my favorite spot to read was curled up in the opposite corner of the couch under the lamp, book on arm of couch, something to drink on the end table. That's where I finished the book. I should read more. Good thing the book club came up. Something to have going on. Can't wait 'til my scented book marks come - should prove even more enjoyable. Should be working right now. Could use the distraction (could use the money) but can't bring myself to dig it out. Makes me tired. Should get over that - tiredness that is - if I'm going to work a 2nd job sleep will be a thing of the past. I have an application for the Casey's by my house. I've had it for a couple weeks now. Haven't filled it out. Too scared. Scared I am too lazy to work 2 jobs, scared I can't phycially do it, scared to leave my kids to do it, scared of what it will do to me to do it, scared of what it will do to us if I don't do it. You know how in the movies when people are scared they don't move. I get that. All those scary reasons equals doing nothing at all. Doing nothing at all equals being in denial. Being in denial equals things get worse and worse. Things getting worse knowing you could make them better. Knowing you could make things better and don't equals shame. Shame equals silence. Silence equals no one knows. No one knows equals alone. Alone equals nothing. Nothing equals me. Me equals trouble. Trouble equals scared. Scared equals swirling all around in all of that all over and over again and again and again. Again equals endless. Endless equals hopeless. Hopeless equals me. Me equals nothing. Nothing equals me. THE END. That's what I say when I read books to Jace. Even if it's not written on the page. I always finish with an enthusastic THE END. Now he says it too. We hit the last page and he bursts THE END. Funny huh?! The stream is running low. Loss of thought, loss of content, loss of consciousness. It's late...afternoon that is...probably nap time by now. Yeah...sounds good...nap it is.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What's in the water...

Anyone reading this locally knows about the boil order issued yesterday that the city water in some areas was contaminated and not safe for drinking, cooking, or even brushing your teeth. I was reading on channel 9's website about the boil order being lifted already. As I was reading this line...

"...The advisory was issued as a precautionary measure after an
incident during construction activities caused a short period of
elevated turbidity. ..."

I could not help but read that last word in my mind as "turdidity" and given the situation, that struck me as oddly appropiate! HAHAHA!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

it only took 3 months...

Next weekend will be 3 months since we moved into this house and as of about 11:30 am this morning Jace finally has a room. He was at Ken's the weekend we moved and since I hadn't properly labeled all the boxes...and it was hard to direct all the traffic on moving day...I just told everyone to put all the boxes in Jace's room and I would spend the rest of the weekend unpacking. Like I said...3 months later it finally happened!

To say I am procrasinator is kinda like the old adage "does a bear shight in the woods?". AND I am no Suzy Homemaker either. In fact, at times, I probably boarder on those hoarders you see on Oprah who have so much crap in their houses that all there is a a small path between rooms. Just kidding...hopefully. But I don't clean well - it is too overwhelming. I look around and know it needs to be done, I want it to get done but then I don't know where to start so I don't --- start that is. It's much easier to walk away. I know there should not be a bowl of spaghetti-o's from 3 days ago sitting on the top of my computer desk (that was after being moved from the banister). And I also know that sliding it over to make room for dvd's I'm finally unpacking isn't really the solution either. I know all of this logically but it's not enough to make me physically do something about it. It's kinda like a reverse panic attack...most people would panic at the clutter and think they'd HAVE to do something with it. I panic at the thought of having to do something with it so I do nothing. It's a very debiliating pyschological disorder. I think I should sign up for a study somewhere. So long as while I am away being studied, they bring in Merry Maids to clean my house. I bet Merry Maids wouldn't know what to do with the shit either!

So for today I have overcome and conquered that task. What finally made me do it? I got Ken come help me and once he showed up and was standing there waiting...I really couldn't get out of it anymore. Him being my muscle to move the boxes downstairs really took a lot of the pressure off. We set up Jace's bed and moved all of his toys in there and ever since Brendon & Dallas have been home, they have been playing ball in there. Every once and awhile they let Jace in there to play too! Some things never change!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Another year older and another year employed...

I had an eventful weekend. I had my 38th b-day on Saturday and my 11 year anniversary at PMX on Sunday. Someday I'll get them to cough up the birthday gift certificate they cheated me out of by hiring me the day after my birthday that first year!

38! I can't believe it. Climbing the hill to 40. I remember when I turned 30 - I was devasted. I had never been married at that point and had no prospects on the horizon. It was very hard on me. I don't know how I'll feel over the next couple years when 40 actually gets here but in the last 8 years since that devasting doomsday, I did get married, had another baby and am now getting divorced (whenever we finally file). Lots of changes.

As for work, I'm starting my 12th year in the same job. It doesn't seem like it either but when I think that Brendon & Dallas were just 2 and 1 when I started here that just blows my mind! They were just babies they just act like babies...HA...just kidding.

I'd like to think I've grown up a lot in these 12 years. I've had to I guess. I never expected to be in my 12th year as a single parent either. That is the single most hardest job I'll ever have and I probably haven't always succeeded. Sometimes I feel like the decision to end my marriage has set me back several years. I was a home owner all on my own when I met Ken and that is gone. I also gave up the home we bought together. I'm renting again. I friend of mine, soon to be the same age as me, just bought her first home. I am very happy for her and at the same time very jealous. I miss having that security and knowing that I accomplished something.

Right now those accomplishments are that my kids are happy and healthy. We may not always have a lot but we have each other. I also have good friends and family. Sometimes I feel like I'll always be considered the "screw up" in my family but I know they love me and when push comes to shove we always come through for each other.

The same with my friends. I'm very thankful for the friendships in my life. I am still in denial that one is moving away but I'll always love her and treasure our friendship. She'll be back for me - how could she live without me?! HA.

Ok, enough reflecting...time to start living that 38th year and do it to the fullest!


Friday, November 09, 2007

Mama Bear is roaring...

Mama bear protecting her young came out last night at Dallas' basketball game and I decided to send an angry e-mail to the coaches and the principal. The incident happened last night though and I couldn't send the e-mail until this most people would probably have calmed down overnight and lost their, I had to get in "Lola" mode this morning to still express my extreme discontent (Lola is my evil twin who swears like a sailor).

Below is my e-mail to the school...

I am writing this to express my great upset and disappointment about the 7th grade boys basketball games starting earlier than scheduled. Twice this year I have arrived right at or before the scheduled start time only to find that I have missed my son play completely or, like last night, there was 24 seconds left in his quarter and it was only 3:25 pm. This may not seem important to staff but it is very important to me and I would venture to say to most parents.

I saw another parent walk in half way through his son’s quarter last night too. I also overheard another parent ask their son “am I going to have to start showing up at 3:00 pm”. Well, that may not be possible for all parents. Most parents have to leave their place of employment early in order to see their kid play for 5 minutes. I cannot tell you how upsetting it is to jump through those hoops, get there in time and yet miss everything.

I personally have been busting myself not only trying to see my 7th grader but also my 8th grader who plays on the same night. I am starting off at the 7th grade games and then hightailing it, with a 3 year old in tow, to wherever the 8th grade is playing. I do this because I love my sons and will do whatever I can to support them by whatever means necessary. I think every kid should have someone at their event cheering them on. Someone who is there for them. Unfortunately, for my boys, I am that only someone and it’s extremely hard to be in two places at once but I do everything I can. Do you have any idea how it feels to do everything you possible can and still come up short in your kids’ eyes? That is how I felt last night! And why? To start a game 10 – 15 minutes early? Why? So everyone can get home 10 – 15 minutes early? I don’t care how late I get home so long as it meant my kid was given the love and support they deserve. It would be nice if the school felt the same way and helped out struggling parents instead of hindering their efforts.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Snotty Little Twit!

This girl has been calling here all day for Dallas. She called this morning and I told her he was at a soccer game. I was gone myself for a couple hours so I don't know if she called then or not but she proceeded to call about 20 times over the next 3 hours. I didn't answer because why bother telling her the same thing...that the wasn't here. Finally I answered and said he wasn't home, could I take a message. This is what the snotty little twit said:

Twit: "well, I called this morning and you said he went to a soccer game. That was about 11:30".


Me: "yes, he did go to a soccer game and he has not been home since. I have been trying to get ahold of him myself. He is not home.

Twit: "well, ok". Or something snotty like that.

This is a 7th grade girl calling obsessively and then acting like I am lying to her. 7th grade! Dallas does tend to get mixed up in too much girl drama and thinks he can handle it the typical guy way by avoiding but I don't let him get away with it. I told him I'm not going to field the phone calls from the girls so if he doesn't want to go out with someone anymore then he needs to be a man and tell them that straight out.

Turns out all she wanted was to know why he was playing a certain song over and over again at her party Friday night. Yeah...matter of national security there!!! I can see why that warranted 20 phone calls until she got through!

Man, it's going to be a long adolescence!!

(As I was proofreading this post...said twit called again and this time she blocked her number. HA.)

Firefighter Jace!

Here is Jace is all of his Halloween glory. He was definitely the hit of our neighborhood. Every one said how cute he was. A couple people had fire pits going and sitting by them while handing out candy...we told them we were going to have to put their fire out. HA. He had a great time!

Fall Fun...

Ken wasn't able to pick Jace up right away on Friday so he passed the time playing in the leaves down the street. He likes to ride his motorcyle around the block so he crashed it into a pile of leaves.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tricky Treats

We had a "tricky treats" day today where people brought in Halloween (or fall) themed food (or beverage) items. Here are a few pictures. I brought in "acorns" and punch. Other highlights, I don't have pictures of, were "Poop Dip" and "Body Bit Dip". We also had the traditional faves like pumpkin bars, sugar cookies, cake and party mix. Yummy yummy all the way around!

(doughnuts holes, top covered with chocolate
frosting, dipped in toffee bits, and half a
pretzel stick stuck in the middle)

Ghoul Brew
(the punch was just 1/2 gallon lime sherbet (any
flavor will work, we also had orange) and a 2 -
liter of Sprite. The hand was an ice mold. Take
a latex or clear kitchen glove, fill with water, freeze.
I added red food coloring so the hand looked
bloody. Just cut away the glove and put mold in
punch either standing up or floating. Oh, I also
dropped gummy bugs in there for floaties)

Tricky Treats cont.

Monster Toes
(crescent rolls wrapped around little smokies,
green food coloring and black olives for the
toe nails)

(cresant rolls rolled out, filled with meat and cheese,
shaped into a snake, basted with egg white mixed
with green food coloring - bake. If you look close
you can see it's olives for the eyes and a red pepper
for the tongue)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hopefully he has learned his lesson...

Dallas is in the basement right now sicker than a dog and hopefully he has learned his lesson...

First of all, he has this friend who is very questionable as to whether Dallas should actually hang out with him. There have been times both his dad and I have said we aren't sure we want him hanging out with him. There also have been times when I do let him hang out with him, I've had to make them take a break from each other because I don't like the way Dallas starts to act around him.

Anyway, today is the only the 2nd time he has hung out with him since we moved back to our old neighborhood. They went to the mall like usual and on the walk home they stopped off at Walmart for a pop (or soda for those not from around here). Hours later, Dallas comes running in from being outside with said friend and our neighbor kid. I didn't hear him go back out but I also didn't hear them tooling around in the basement so I figured I missed him go back out. I was in the kitchen making something to eat and when I came out to the couch to sit down, Dallas was laying on the couch looking hurt.

I asked him what happened and he said nothing. I asked, "then what are you doing?" (couldn't figure it out because the friend was still outside), he said his stomach hurt. I asked him if someone had punched him or something and he said no. He said something about the chips they took outside being stale.

They very well could have been but Jace had eaten them earlier in the day and he wasn't sick. Stale chips taste bad and you may want to puke, but generally they don't actually make you sick.

After a little bit the friend came in to check on Dallas. I asked him what happened and he said he didn't know. Within a few mintues I heard him say "see ya" to Dallas and he left. I figured he had called for a ride thinking why spend the night if Dallas was sick. But my mother's intuition was setting in. Like I said, I know it was not the chips making him sick. I went down and demanded to know if he had smoked or drank anything when they were outside and he swore no.

Dallas will alway try to come up with what he thinks is a plausible scenario for what might have happened rather than take responsibility for what actually happened. But he doesn't realize who he is dealing with and that I spent 3 years hearing the biggest whoppers in the book from the person who wrote the book on lying to me, so I can smell a lie coming out of Dallas' mouth before he even thinks up the lie. Plus he has "tells" know...little give aways that you are lying. Supposedly every one has them. Dallas' tells are:

1) he first claims he has no idea. The "I don't know" defense that pierces the brain of every parent because you know that there is no way in H they cannot know.

2) go with the most outrageous plot to deflect even the slightest suspicion off yourself. I'll call this the "Subway was robbed" defense in memory of one of the biggest whoppers his dad ever told me to explain why he wasn't home when he probably should have been. The theory, I guess, being that if you are going to lie, lie big!

3) this isn't really a "tell" but rather a stage...'s good for the soul you know. Ahh but Dallas will hold out his confession 'til the cows come home. We'll call this the "that's my story and I'm sticking to it" defense. He once stuck by his story so much that he was hiding under his bedding pouting, "no one ever believes me" and "why don't you ever think Brendon does anything" - blah blah blah. He had stuck to his story so long and put on such a show that he couldn't bring himself to actually say the words that he had done it so he had to put his confession in writing.

So, we already had tell # 1 in the "nothing happened" and the friend not knowing what happened and the denial that he had done this to himself. Then came tell #2. Again, I knew this was not just bad potato chips. As I pushed for the truth (and threatened to call his dad if I didn't get it), here it came...

Dallas: "the only thing I can think of is when I was slamming myself against a tree".

Me: "Why were you slamming yourself against a tree?"

Dallas: "I don't know (nice revisit to tell #1), but it was right after I ate the chips and I was already feeling full".

See what I mean about outrageous? Oh he is good. But I wasn't buying it for a second. That's the problem with outrageous... anyone with half a brain can figure it out. And I don't mean to brag but I'd like to think I've got at least 3/4 of a brain.

I left him to his pain. Pretty soon I heard him praying to the porcelein God in the basement bathroom - giving an "offering" so to speak. I kept letting him stew (no visual pun intended) and pretty soon we arrived at stage 3. Dallas called up asking me to come down there. When I did, this is what he said...

Dallas: "I don't think I should hang out with _ _ _ _ anymore."

Me: (knowing this was confession time but really leery of what I was going to hear given that intro) "why?".

Dallas: "well, we were feeling tired and wanted to stay up so we took these caffeine pills _ _ _ _ bought and then we both starting feeling sick so I don't think I'm going to hang out with him for awhile".

Hardy Har Har - silly boy actually thinks he has a choice in the matter. Like that already wasn't going to be a stipulation after what he just told me.

So, I tried to get the name of the pills so I could look them up on the internet and see what the side effects are and stuff. All he could remember was they were called "Jet ..." something and the box was blue and yellow. When they stopped at Walmart for that pop (soda), _ _ _ _ bought them then. During the inquisition he started crying so then I had to tell him to calm down. That getting upset what just going to make his stomach muscles cramp and make things worse. I asked if he was crying because he was in so much pain or because he was afraid he was in trouble. He winched "BOTH". I said, "well there will be a reprimand but the important thing right now is for you to feel better.". I told him to stretch out in bed, with a fluffy pillow and warm blanket and relax.

I couldn't find the specific pill online but a lot of them mentioned that each tablet is 200 mg and he said they had each taken (2). Then I remembered I've taked NoDoz before when working late nights and those are 200 mg each and the adult dose is one tablet in at least a 6 hr period I believe. They had taken twice that.

I went back down and told him I hadn't really found anything but he basically had too much caffeine. I also explained though that I did read that it can be extremely dangerous and asked him if he had learned his lesson about taking pills he doesn't know anything about. He says yes and I truly hope that is true. It could really have been worse. It could have been pills someone gave them rather than something bought over-the-counter. Not minimizing the seriousness at all.

Last I checked on him, his stomach was feeling better. We'll see how he feels tomorrow. Might feel like a hangover - who knows.

Starting to wonder how our parents survived us but makes me certain if they could, I can.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The 8th grade boys cross country team (of which Brendon is a part of) won state this passed weekend. YEAH TEAM! Brendon did not place in one of the top 7 from his school that count toward the team score but he IS on the team and that counts. I'd say he is having a pretty good year since his baseball team was also state runner up this summer.

Is bragging one of the seven deadly sins? I can't help it, I'm a mom!

I don't have a picture of the team with their trophy (I'm hoping someone will e-mail me one) but check out this map of the 2-mile course they ran. Makes me tired just looking at it. The parts that loop down below the parking lot on the map were hills, pretty steep ones at that. There was also a part were they ran through the woods. So I was told anyway...I didn't actually run from check point to check point like some people do. Cross country is new to me so I'm not quite sure how to be a spectator yet! HA.

Friday, October 12, 2007

It may not be the best plan...

We have an e-mail alert system at our school to send e-mails to parents when school will be delayed, cancelled or let out early for any reason. I don't know if other area schools have always had this but this morning on the radio they were taking about the major city schools getting an e-mail alert system so parents can get e-mails when classes are cancelled. They said it also would be helpful to staff members or "anyone" who would like to sign up. I immediatedly thought, "yeah, like any pedophille who then can find out when kids will be home alone". Might not have been the best plan there.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Born to be a star...

Just in case there was any doubt that Jace was born to be a star, here the proof in written in the stars. A picture is worth a 1,000 words.

These are the stickers we used for potty training. First he and Brendon decided to use them to write Jace's name on his bedroom wall, then they decided Jace's face was a better place.

And these I can't even explain but they crack me the H up. Jace is a never ending source of laughter in our house.

Monday, October 08, 2007


Brynn Michelle...born Oct. 7th, 8 lbs 14 oz, 22 1/2 inches. Big, healthy beautiful baby girl.

And this makes 3 generations...below is first time great-grandma, Twila...with her first born grandchild, Justin, and his first born. Man, too bad my brother hadn't been there to complete the circle. Justin is my brother, Roger's, first born too. Isn't life grand?!!

the monitor saga continues...

I ended up shipping back that new monitor from my business trip last week. Decided not to defy Murphy's Law and try to get it back on my own. Well, it took my boss (the next step up boss) all of about 10 minutes after it arrived at PMX to have it hooked up to his computer in his office. Today he is out of the office, so I decided to pull a switcharoo. I kidnapped the new monitor and hooked up my old, dingy grey big 'ole boat anchor monitor in his office. Complete with all my sticky notes stuck to it, my prize pictures of a shirtless Marky Mark back in his rapping/Calvin Klein model days, my shelf that wraps around my monitor with stuffed animals...a white bear with a pink hat, an AFLAC duck and cow..., my wedding picture, a pair of troll doll earrings, a little Precious Moments type figurine bending over showing her bloomers that says "a little behind", my Magic 8 ball. All of it is on his desk now and I have the clean, crisp, where's the popcorn this screen is like the movies monitor on mine. So far everyone in accounting seems to like my decorating job. HA. I also shook the Magic 8 ball until it said "Don't Count on It" and put a sticky note on it asking..."will Brent ever get his monitor back?". When you lift the sticky note it says, "Don't Count on It". Of course I could be setting myself up to see that 8 ball back on my desk with the same saying at raise time. It wasn't was evil twin!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

I'm a great Aunt...

I don't mean an awesome aunt...although that may be I became a great Aunt (again). My nephew, Justin, and his girlfriend, Amber, became proud parents at 8:30 am this morning (10/07/07) of an 8 lb baby girl...Brynn Michelle.

How exciting especially for my brother, first time grandpa, and my mom, first time great-grandma. I am very happy for all of them. Will post a pic if I get one later today when we visit.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

best Chinese fortune cookie proverb ever...

We had chinese Friday for lunch like we do almost every Friday and this time the person who picks it up also got us fortune cookies. Mine said... "IF YOU GOT IT, FLAUNT IT". Haha! Of course once you add the obligatory "IN BED" to the end of the fortune it gets even better. HA. I said, "wow and I didn't think I had plan this weekend...guess I do now!" HA.

Yet I sit at my computer finishing off a pumpkin shake from Culver's and will probably be taking my second nap anytime now. I got fatigue and I'm flaunting it bed!

Monday, October 01, 2007

it could only happen to me...

Recently when conversing with friends, it was said "it could only happen to so and so". Well, meet the next "so and so". Now sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip...( in fall...hmmm...interesting)...Christine, you may want to stop reading because it involves injury to a laptop which will send you running to hug yours the way any mother would when hearing children in peril stories...

So, early this morning I left for Charlotte, North Carolina on a business trip. This would not be the fun get away other trips have been where I go somewhere that I actually know someone and actually get to see more of the town I'm in that the hotel, the training site and the airport. No, due to the last minute rescheduling, I am going to training at the same time we have to process a payroll so I graciously agreed to hold up in my hotel room and pull all nighters when not in training to do the payroll. I got all the instructions on how to get logged in anticipating any possible connection problems and the laptop in question was placed in my care via a heavy, protective breifcase looking case (there are keywords in that sentence that will be important like "protective" for one).

Every thing was going flights went off without a hitch...neither of them too long...the connection in Atlanta went smoothly despite never having flown through there. My only complaint would have been that my carry on bag was so heavy because I decided to skip the laptop case and stick it in my own carry on (which is an oversized back pack really) so that I could also carry other typical carry on items...a change of clothes and hair essentials and sometimes a 2nd pair of shoes all in case your regular luggage gets lost. So, I was set...I only had one carry on instead of two, no travel snafus, life was good.

I really blame the ground transportation attendant (the bitch that she was) at the Charlotte/ Douglas airport for swinging the tide against me. She totally played me for a fool. It appeared as though you needed to talk to the attendant before getting a cab 'cept I couldn't see an opeing in her plexiglass fortress to speak through. I looked at her with longing eyes, "help me" my eyes cried. She pointed to the other side of the booth. "Oh, the window must be over ever did I miss that", I asked myself. Alas no window but there was a handle. "Oh", I again told myself, "you must pull on this and a slot will open". No...the entire side of the booth opened exposing the wench for all to see. I kindly said, "I need a cab to Comfort Suites on University". The troll once again pointed, this time to a line that had seemed to form during our little dance of deception. "Oh" guessed it, I said to myself..."this line is for cabs going to my hotel. Why didn't I notice that before?". Ahhhh but no...this was yet another twist in this master tango she as teaching me. Stand in line and take the next cab that pulls into line! GOT IT!! Thank you so much for your help. Can't wait to come your way again. You KNOW they do that shit on purpose. She probably called all the other troll booth attendants laughing or told them back at the bat cave. BEOTCH!

So then I get a cab driver who doesn't know where he is going and $38.00 later (I don't know how many miles that is...once it hit $20.00 my mind went numb) I made it to my hotel.

So, then I'm checking into the suites (another keyword that will be important)...all and all still a good trip so far. And then it carry on bag that I had deemed to be obviously better than the protective case given to me proved to be too top heavy for sitting unattended on top of my other suitcase and then plummetted a good two feet to the ground! Remember that word protective and how I was not using the protective case (protection...always use protection)? Do you think laptop survived? Sort of. It's now paralyzed from the neck up. Ironically a labtop's brain is in the lower 1/2 (must be male) so I was was not brain dead. It was just blind. The monitor was dead. I don't know if a white light came to guide it to heaven or not...I wish I had seen something like that, maybe it could have guided me through the two days worth of work I brought the laptop for.

There I was alone in the darkness. The abyss if you will (fave movie reference). I prayed to the computer gods that the next time I open the laptop "let there be light". I sat on my hotel bed opening and shuting the laptop like I was trying to catch the fridgerator light - if only I were fast enough (you know you've done it). Still nothing...did you know there probably aren't really any computer gods?

Not wanting to admit defeat...and by that I mean not wanting to call my company and confess..I called a local computer repair place. Because of course I would be able to hop into another $40 cab, get a new screen thingy and no one would be the wiser ('til I turned the bill in on my expense report that is. I wonder if I could put that under're entertained so far aren't you?). The Geek Squad are the ones that diagnosed the laptop with the non-brain-deadedness..and that if I put the laptop on live support I should be able to get to my info. So, I went downstairs to the support center...I mean business center but I use the term loosely because it amounted to all of one computer for all guests to use. It was much like being sent to a county hospital because we had no insurance. I plugged their monitor into the laptop and there was sight again. Ahh, but this was only temporary and I didn't know if other patients would come in needing support or how long the visiting hours were.

After stablizing the patient, I finally contacted it's family (our IS dept) then waited with my own demerol drip for the impending doom...I mean response. I begged them for forgiveness and to tell me that all I had to do was just snap my fingers three times, turn a half circle to the right, hop on my left foot, do not pass Go, do not collect $200 and viola – it would be well again. The phone was his mommy. She wanted me to try twisting it's head a little and see if that helped. And I thought I was rough on the poor lad. But that treatment did not revive the patient. So, she told me someone (my boss, not my regular boss, but next step up boss) was brokering an online adoption of a new monitor. Ater the money was exchanged and the adoption papers faxed to me, I could hop in a cab and go pick up the 19 " newborn at Best Buy.

The newborn is working out fine. No sibling rivalry yet. The kicker is though I am left with the lofty task of getting both children Do you think the laptop will get a complex wrapped in dirty laundry stowed away in the luggage compartment whilst I cradle the newborn on my lab in the cabin of the plane? It's not like we'll be in first class.

First class...reminds me...suites...the Comfort Suites...should be all the comforts of home right?! Oh wait...I don't have a chauffuer or room service at home either and end up having pizza delivered too so nevermind - what was I thinking?!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Don't piss off a 2 year old...

Ever heard of the terrible two's? Last night after I ended my previous post and was heading to bed as promised, I rememberd I had not locked my car. (Pesky not having a I have to be conscientious and I hate that.) Anytime you go outside, Jace thinks he has to go too but it was late and cold so I told him no. I had to scoot him back a little so I could shut the door so he wouldn't follow me...low and behold when I came running back...Jace had locked me out! Little brat! I had to pound on the door and ring the door bell because Brendon was already asleep and Dallas was in his room with the door shut. Finally Dallas came out (it had been all of about 30 seconds you know) and I could hear him say, "who is pounding on the door?". Jace, standing on the stairs, proudly announces, "mommy". Then Dallas let me in. Me, Fred Flintstone and Rodney Dangerfield...can't get no respect.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Back in like Flynn

OMG...I have not been able to get into my own blog for a couple months. Since I am completely computer iliterate when I updated my blog to use Google or whatever it was it was prompting me to do every time I logged in, making me feel like a dinosaur because I had not moved my blog to Google or whatever it was it was it was prompting me to do every time I logged in, it would keep telling me "no account found" or "no such e-mail exsist" or something like that. I didn't have a Google account and it didn't tell me I needed one to move my blog to Google. So here I had finally started blogging again after two years and I screwed myself out of being about to blog again. Anyway, I read my friend's blog almost every day and thoroughly enjoy it so I decided to give it the old college try again but by then I couldn't remember my username or password so I moved around in blogger support for a half an hour ('bout like automated phone systems when you press the wrong # and have to start from the main menu 100 times). Having them e-mail me my information didn't do me any good since we moved a month ago and no longer have that provider. However, there are at least (3) e-mails sent to southslope in the off chance it would miraculously appear in my new e-mail account. I finally decided to just start trying different scenarios and low and behold I got in. In like Flynn.

But now it's time to put my 2 year old to bed so I'll have to blog again another day. Be looking for me!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ever run out of TP?

So I was in the bathroom the other night when I realized there was no TP. I had bought TP like the week before that and had never made it passed the kitchen with it. So, in desperation I called out to Dallas to bring me some. He was not hearing me so I told Jace to go in the kitchen and bring mommy the toilet paper (intently pointing to the empty roll)...I beleive I had to say it a couple times. Finally he takes off running so I thought, "great, it worked - he is actually going to get the toilet paper! I'm a genius!". What he actually brought me back though was my Soap Opera Digest magazine. HAHAHA! Guess he saw me with that one too many times! HA!

And the moral of this little story is that if mom's ever got any privcay in the bathroom, he would not have known that! HA!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You don't see me complaining do ya...

Tonight I was cooking supper and in the early stages Brendon came into the kitchen, saw me browning hamburger and immediately complained that we were having tacos. We weren't having tacos (that's tomorrow night-hehe) but knowing he would complain even more about the fact that we were actually having spaghetti, I just didn't say a word.

A little while he later he comes back into the kitchen and being the smart kid that he is, he put two and two together when he saw two pots of water boiling on the stove and fell to the floor in dramatics (as predicted) about the spaghetti. The following conversation took place...

ME: "Brendon - you complained when you thought it was tacos and you're complaining now that you know it's spaghetti".

HIM: "I would have rather had the tacos"!

ME: "Well, you can tomorrow night".

HIM: "Whaaahhh!!" - fake crying and flailing around on the floor.

ME: "Come on - I haven't made you eat spaghetti in a long time".

HIM: "...and did I complain?"

Hahahahahaha! I said, "why would you complain about me NOT making you eat spaghetti?! HA!

The conversation really took a wrong turn though when we "compromised" and he would be having spaghetti-o's (& meatballs) while the rest of us had spaghetti. Once agreed I said, "fag-head-e-o's it is". That progressed to "fag-head-e-o's and balls" to, in the end, "fag-head-e-o's and Pete's balls". Fine example I set for my kids. Gonna be kinda hard to tell them to knock off the calling each other gay or saying "that's gay" all the time.

Oh and in case you were wondering all through this post why the two pots of boiling water...every time I make spaghetti I have to make curly (spiral) noodles for Dallas or I'll get the same dramatics from him that I got from Brendon. And Dallas doesn't like "fag-head-e-o's and Pete's balls" so I'd would have been screwed! HA!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Picture Posting Pretty Painless...

...say that 3 times fast...

I was seeing how easy it was to upload a picture into my blog and low and behold it was very easy. Easier I think that 2 years ago because if you frequented my blog back then, I kept promising to post my ultrasound pictures and never bad.

But now that I see how easy it is, I'll have to find some pics of Brendon and Dallas and post them too. Wouldn't want to give them a "new baby in the family" complex or anything.

All my baby daddies...

I was picking up Jace's pictures at Walmart on Easter Sunday and the girl who took the pictures (and who was a bitch when we first got there and spent the rest of the session totally kissing my ass so that I wouldn't be mad at her, which really meant to not complain about her) was working. While we were waiting for the debit card to go through, she was small talking and asked me how my Easter was going. I replied, "well, right now all my kids are with their dads..." to which I immediately realized how bad that sounded! Like a Jerry Springer or Maury Povich show..."all my baby daddies!".

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Completely and utterly mortified...

Ever been embarrassed by your kids' behavior...they throw a tantrum at the supermarket, hide under the racks in clothing stores, scream how mean of a mother you are because you NEVER buy them anything, make rude comments to people, beat the living crap out of each other when you or they have company, etc?

Ever been completely mortified by your kids' behavior?

Brendon has indoor baseball practice at least once a week at the middle school. Dallas has gone along many times and has either just watched or helped out if they were short players. Once Salvation Army basketball teams starting having practice there at the same time, Dallas and occassionally even another kid on our street would go and shoot hoops or hang out and watch. I guess there always was a little voice in my head that wondered if this was actually ok with Brendon's head coach. He is a "yes sir - no sir" kinda guy. And by that I mean he makes me feel like I should be saying "yes sir - no sir". But I never heard off any problems and figured they would let me know if there was.

Well, that time came last night. (Side note: because of the opportunity to hang out with the basketball kids before baseball practice starts, we also had gotten in the habit of going to practice about 20 minutes early.) I got an e-mail from the head coaches wife that they need me to only drop Brendon off (meaning not Dallas) from now on because one of the janitors reported the team to the office because Dallas had climbed inside one of the school's glass trophy cases that hang on the wall. (It was about this point of reading the e-mail that the mortification set in!!) It went on to say how their insurance doesn't handle things like that and how Dallas could have been hurt if the trophy case fell. (Now on top of mortification comes the shame of being a sub-class parent.) Then she went on to say that kids cannot be there when coaches aren't so I need to not drop Brendon off more than 10 minutes before practice. (This just reinforces that the rotten parent of those parents who brings their kids to things early and is the last one to pick them up.)

I already feel low class around these other baseball parents because they have money and we don't and this just amplified that a million times over!! I can't even imagine having to face them EVER let alone tonight when Brendon has practice again.

When I asked Dallas what possessed him to do that, his response was "they told me to". I said, "who is THEY?". He said Brendon and Colt (another kid from the team). I pulled out the old "jump off a bridge" argument and asked if he always does things just because someone told him too (of course he doesn't do what I tell him too so apparently I don't have the same influence on him!). His response..."I don't know". I HATE THAT!!!!!! I then asked Brendon why he tell him to do it, "you are 13 years old, you know better". His response..."I don't know". I told them I NEVER want to hear those words again. Everything is "I don't know" - yes you do! In that moment you make a choice and there HAS to be a reason that went throug your little head telling you to make that choice! I know why Dallas did it...because he thought it would be funny and it would impress the other guys. He thinks anything is ok to pull off as long as it gets him a laugh from his friends.

Does anyone have the number for a good boot camp because I don't even know what to do with my hellyuns anymore? Calgon take me away!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

It's been over 2 years...

It's been over 2 years since my last post...I didn't even remember how to....

Well. I had my baby - my 3rd boy...all now are ages 13, 12 and 2...crazy!

I am recently separated - plan on filing for divorce in the forseeable furture.

I figured why just read about my friend's life in her blog (thebeanblog), although it does help me keep in touch with her life, when I could also be chronicling mine...and how much it sucks!!!!!