Thursday, April 05, 2007

Completely and utterly mortified...

Ever been embarrassed by your kids' behavior...they throw a tantrum at the supermarket, hide under the racks in clothing stores, scream how mean of a mother you are because you NEVER buy them anything, make rude comments to people, beat the living crap out of each other when you or they have company, etc?

Ever been completely mortified by your kids' behavior?

Brendon has indoor baseball practice at least once a week at the middle school. Dallas has gone along many times and has either just watched or helped out if they were short players. Once Salvation Army basketball teams starting having practice there at the same time, Dallas and occassionally even another kid on our street would go and shoot hoops or hang out and watch. I guess there always was a little voice in my head that wondered if this was actually ok with Brendon's head coach. He is a "yes sir - no sir" kinda guy. And by that I mean he makes me feel like I should be saying "yes sir - no sir". But I never heard off any problems and figured they would let me know if there was.

Well, that time came last night. (Side note: because of the opportunity to hang out with the basketball kids before baseball practice starts, we also had gotten in the habit of going to practice about 20 minutes early.) I got an e-mail from the head coaches wife that they need me to only drop Brendon off (meaning not Dallas) from now on because one of the janitors reported the team to the office because Dallas had climbed inside one of the school's glass trophy cases that hang on the wall. (It was about this point of reading the e-mail that the mortification set in!!) It went on to say how their insurance doesn't handle things like that and how Dallas could have been hurt if the trophy case fell. (Now on top of mortification comes the shame of being a sub-class parent.) Then she went on to say that kids cannot be there when coaches aren't so I need to not drop Brendon off more than 10 minutes before practice. (This just reinforces that the rotten parent of those parents who brings their kids to things early and is the last one to pick them up.)

I already feel low class around these other baseball parents because they have money and we don't and this just amplified that a million times over!! I can't even imagine having to face them EVER let alone tonight when Brendon has practice again.

When I asked Dallas what possessed him to do that, his response was "they told me to". I said, "who is THEY?". He said Brendon and Colt (another kid from the team). I pulled out the old "jump off a bridge" argument and asked if he always does things just because someone told him too (of course he doesn't do what I tell him too so apparently I don't have the same influence on him!). His response..."I don't know". I HATE THAT!!!!!! I then asked Brendon why he tell him to do it, "you are 13 years old, you know better". His response..."I don't know". I told them I NEVER want to hear those words again. Everything is "I don't know" - yes you do! In that moment you make a choice and there HAS to be a reason that went throug your little head telling you to make that choice! I know why Dallas did it...because he thought it would be funny and it would impress the other guys. He thinks anything is ok to pull off as long as it gets him a laugh from his friends.

Does anyone have the number for a good boot camp because I don't even know what to do with my hellyuns anymore? Calgon take me away!

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