Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You don't see me complaining do ya...

Tonight I was cooking supper and in the early stages Brendon came into the kitchen, saw me browning hamburger and immediately complained that we were having tacos. We weren't having tacos (that's tomorrow night-hehe) but knowing he would complain even more about the fact that we were actually having spaghetti, I just didn't say a word.

A little while he later he comes back into the kitchen and being the smart kid that he is, he put two and two together when he saw two pots of water boiling on the stove and fell to the floor in dramatics (as predicted) about the spaghetti. The following conversation took place...

ME: "Brendon - you complained when you thought it was tacos and you're complaining now that you know it's spaghetti".

HIM: "I would have rather had the tacos"!

ME: "Well, you can tomorrow night".

HIM: "Whaaahhh!!" - fake crying and flailing around on the floor.

ME: "Come on - I haven't made you eat spaghetti in a long time".

HIM: "...and did I complain?"

Hahahahahaha! I said, "why would you complain about me NOT making you eat spaghetti?! HA!

The conversation really took a wrong turn though when we "compromised" and he would be having spaghetti-o's (& meatballs) while the rest of us had spaghetti. Once agreed I said, "fag-head-e-o's it is". That progressed to "fag-head-e-o's and balls" to, in the end, "fag-head-e-o's and Pete's balls". Fine example I set for my kids. Gonna be kinda hard to tell them to knock off the calling each other gay or saying "that's gay" all the time.

Oh and in case you were wondering all through this post why the two pots of boiling water...every time I make spaghetti I have to make curly (spiral) noodles for Dallas or I'll get the same dramatics from him that I got from Brendon. And Dallas doesn't like "fag-head-e-o's and Pete's balls" so I'd would have been screwed! HA!

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