Sunday, November 18, 2007

it only took 3 months...

Next weekend will be 3 months since we moved into this house and as of about 11:30 am this morning Jace finally has a room. He was at Ken's the weekend we moved and since I hadn't properly labeled all the boxes...and it was hard to direct all the traffic on moving day...I just told everyone to put all the boxes in Jace's room and I would spend the rest of the weekend unpacking. Like I said...3 months later it finally happened!

To say I am procrasinator is kinda like the old adage "does a bear shight in the woods?". AND I am no Suzy Homemaker either. In fact, at times, I probably boarder on those hoarders you see on Oprah who have so much crap in their houses that all there is a a small path between rooms. Just kidding...hopefully. But I don't clean well - it is too overwhelming. I look around and know it needs to be done, I want it to get done but then I don't know where to start so I don't --- start that is. It's much easier to walk away. I know there should not be a bowl of spaghetti-o's from 3 days ago sitting on the top of my computer desk (that was after being moved from the banister). And I also know that sliding it over to make room for dvd's I'm finally unpacking isn't really the solution either. I know all of this logically but it's not enough to make me physically do something about it. It's kinda like a reverse panic attack...most people would panic at the clutter and think they'd HAVE to do something with it. I panic at the thought of having to do something with it so I do nothing. It's a very debiliating pyschological disorder. I think I should sign up for a study somewhere. So long as while I am away being studied, they bring in Merry Maids to clean my house. I bet Merry Maids wouldn't know what to do with the shit either!

So for today I have overcome and conquered that task. What finally made me do it? I got Ken come help me and once he showed up and was standing there waiting...I really couldn't get out of it anymore. Him being my muscle to move the boxes downstairs really took a lot of the pressure off. We set up Jace's bed and moved all of his toys in there and ever since Brendon & Dallas have been home, they have been playing ball in there. Every once and awhile they let Jace in there to play too! Some things never change!

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