Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Losing Weight...

I swear I've got to be losing weight. Good news right?! But it's odd...I'm only losing in my shoulders! I know it sounds weird but it must be because EVERY BRA I CURRENTLY OWN, ALL OF A SUDDEN, THE STRAPS SLIDE OFF MY SHOULDERS CONSTANTLY!!!

It's it a total pain when your bra doesn't fit. I bought (2) new ones at Penney's recently for $30 each (actually it was BOGO - Buy One, Get One) and both of them slip. One of them is SOOO bad, the other day I was wearing it and as the shoulder strap would slip, as soon as I pulled it back up - at that very moment the cup would rise up and my boob would slip out under the underwire. Now, I know that is not the meaning of "underwire" that your boob goes UNDER the wire.

I've never experienced that before - sliding out under the bra. On occassion when wearing an ill-fitting bra, I've had boobs pop out the top - over the cup - but never under the cup! For instance, I learned the hard way that if you are large breasted not to buy a Wonder Bra (the push up kind) a size smaller than you normally wear. Pretty much no chance of those babies staying in there!

Back to the saga of the other day...then when I would adjust the bottom and get my stray boob back where it belonged - at that moment the shoulder strap would fall off again!

It was driving me so crazy I really just wanted to take it off. I seriously was thinking I would be better off. YEAH if they were still 18 year old boobs untouched by the cruel reality of aging and motherhood! Back when they were innocent, perky, full of life, every adventure still ahead of them. Not 38 year old boobs that have seen their better days!

Life (and bras apparently) can be so cruel!

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