Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dude, your bedside manner SUCKS!

So today was the day that Jace was getting his tonsils and adenoids out. His surgery was at 8:15 am and we had to be there at 7:15 am. Get there right on time only to find out we were on the schedule for 10:30 am, not 8:15 am. I was holding in my hand the paperwork from the doctor's office that said procedure time: 8:15 am. Apparently his office changed the time (not once but twice) and NEVER notified us! I was pissed!!!!! Not that it mattered to the people at the surgical center. There was nothing they could do, the doctor was doing a procedure at the hospital and obviously wasn't going to drop everything and come running to tend to my child. The nerve of that guy!

I wasn't about to sit around there for 2 hours with those Polly Anna's saying "I'm so sorry" over and over again. All the sorries in the world didn't do a damn thing when my baby started begging me for something to eat which he couldn't have. "Please mommy. PLEASE. You're making me sad mommy."

While back at home, since I am known to almost never check my home voice mail, I decided I had better see if they indeed had tried to contact me. 26 messages later - I was right, no call from his office about the change. But you know what? Even if there had been one, don't you think they should make sure they talk to someone in person rather than just leave a message when it's something like that?!

So, we go back at the "scheduled" time (I use that term very loosely) and about 10:15 am (15 minutes before they are supposed to start), we find out the doctor is running about an hour late. I about blew a gasket! They brought in a portable dvd player and The Bee Movie really helped keep Jace's mind of food. At one point there were asking when was the last he had anything to eat or drink and Jace goes, "I want something to eat - I want a drink". Poor baby!

They finally took him back about 11:30 am and before noon we were talking to the doctor. It all went well but I wanted to make sure he was aware that his office did not notify us of the time change. I figured he would ream some ass much better than I could. The thing is, he wasn't too terribly put off by it. He said those are things beyond his control. REALLY?! My fist going upside your head is about to be beyond my control if you patronize me and my child again!!!! He did finally say they were having trouble with one scheduling nurse doing stuff like that and he would talk to her. I'm sure he won't but it was something.

All and all Jace is doing good. He is talking a lot more than I ever remember Brendon doing when he got his out when he was 4. If fact, Brendon forever became a mumbler after his surgery. Jace isn't really into eating any popsicles yet, will take a few drinks so that's good. He is really sore! Time for some more Tylenol with Codine when he wakes up. I think I need some!

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