Wednesday, July 07, 2004

lookin' good

Had my recheck appt today and everything is looking good. Everything is holding in place - not that we expected any different right now. It's will be the later, bigger months that really weigh on those stitches.

Now I will be seen every two weeks to check everything including having an ultrasound every two weeks. I said, "I guess we'll have plenty of ultrasound pictures!". The scheduling nurse goes, "yeah, probably more than actual baby pictures". So, if later the kid asks where all they're baby pictures are we can say, "what do you mean? What about all of these black and white pictures?". HAHA.

That will be exciting though getting to see the baby every two weeks. How many people get that chance? Wish it could be under better circumstances. I'll be 17 weeks at my next ultrasound so we are going to try to find out then if it's a boy or girl. It should be distinguishable if the baby cooperates. But if not then, we'll try the next time.

A part of me still wants to be surprised but Ken wants to know and we could use the advantage to prepare after the 10 year gab between babies.

The babies heart rate was 150 this time. I was a little disappointed if you believe the old wife's tale about higher heart rates being girls but 150 is still up there. Both my boys were never over 140. It depends on how active the baby is.

Speaking of active, I'm anxiously awaiting feeling the baby move. I should be able to between 15 - 17 weeks especially with this being my 3rd pregnancy. I'm at 15 weeks now so I keep thinking soon I should be feeling something.

I lost another 1/2 lb but I didn't get lectured this time. I was grateful for that. I don't know why I'm losing weight. I eat. I just don't eat all the time like I thought I would be by now. I don't have any increase in appetite at all. Actually I'm sicker this trimester than I was the 1st. I haven't thrown up but I've had several close calls. I am starting to have some cravings - over the weekend I wanted a big 'ole salad and this week it's strawberries and grapes. Seems like all I ate when I was pregnant with Brendon was Whoppers from BK. I craved olives with both boys! Still love olives.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I'm back to work tomorrow. It's been nice being off but I've also been bored too. Something tells me I won't be bored at work after being off a week.

I'll continue to post as stuff comes up. Feel free to check back whenever you like. There may be something new.

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