Friday, February 15, 2008

I'm the worst...

Brendon was violently ill this morning following his lethal combination of ice cream, nachos and popcorn at a basketball game last night. I totally forgot to call the school that he would be absent until 2.5 hours into the school day. This is a frequent behavior of mine. I always seem to forget to call. But in my defense, I don't call right away because there is no one there to answer anyway. By time there is, it's like "out of sight - out of mind" big time. So, as I finally made the call - referring outloud to myself as a bonehead - my boss goes, "I'll say it for're worst mother in the world" . I said, "No. I'm just the worst phone call maker in the world!" . HAHA.

But making that late phone call is MUCH better than a couple times I've had to call the school and ask if my boys are even there. Yeah...mother of the year, right?! I've had to do that twice when I've forgotten to call home and wake them up for school. I'd call home when I finally realized and get no answer. No answer didn't really tell me much. Did they get up on their own and were gone? OR, were they still sleeping soundly in their beds with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads? So, the only alternative (other than driving home and actually checking) was to call the school. THAT is an embarassing call to make. I mean, shouldn't a parent know if their children are in school?!

Suddenly I am reminded that just this year I also called the school and said, "I just found out my kids missed the bus so I am going to get them but they'll be tardy". I based that call on the fact that I had called home, with no answer, for 45 minutes. I drove home to get them and they weren't there. They had gotten up on their own...still don't know why they didn't answer the phone. Buttheads!

Ok - maybe I am the worst mother in the world! No, no, no - it's the kids that make you look and sound crazy!

1 comment:

Old and Tired said...

I forget to call in too. Our school has voice mail but the line is busy when I remember to call in, then I forget and they call me wanting to know where the kid is. LOL, Then there was the year before last when the phone number in the phonebook was for the WRONG school and no way to transfer to the right one and no other option than a live person......I am glad I am not the only one. I wish I could email them.