Saturday, February 02, 2008


I screamed this to my 3 year old at least 5 times today while trying to take a shower. You know what a luxury it would be to have any of my bathroom time be private? I have a house full of boys no less and still they find the need to talk to me while I'm on the pot. As Stephanie Tanner would say, "HOW RUDE?!".

If I want to take a shower when Jace is around, I can't shut the door to where it latches so that if he DOES need something, he can come in. Of course this is enabling his seperation anxiety but I don't want to traumatize the poor kid that mommy has somehow disappeared. But leaving the door slightly ajar in case of emergency leads to Jace running in at full blast, flinging the door open, calling out "mommy" and then leaving again with the door still wide open. He does this several times through the course of even the quickest shower. Not usually a big deal 'cept when you have glass shower doors and the two teenagers are also around. Talk about trauma! Probably not condusive to the young psyche for a boy to see their mother in the shower! Oww - my eyes, my eyes!

The last time he did it, I yelled once again for him to SHUT THE DOOR when I hear my ex's voice just around the corner say, "hello". He had stopped by to borrow something but ... UMM HEL--LO, we aren't together anymore, you aren't allowed to peak at me in the shower!

What do I have to do, reserve my showers for every other weekend when all the boys are away and I have the house to myself?! I'm sure I won't stink too much by then!

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