Friday, February 01, 2008

4 out of 5...

4 out of 5 ain't bad, right? I mean it is the standard for recommendations from doctors and dentists after all. So, I figure that if I only worked out 4 out of 5 days this week, I am still doing good!

A group of us do aerobics at lunch. We usually use one of two meeting rooms, just push back the tables (a mini workout right there), bring in a IT tech/geek squad video cart to project the dvd or tape on the wall (or screen if available) and talk a brisk 2-mile walk (in-place) with Leslie Sandstone. We have branched out occassionally to a George Foreman workout and a cardio one with "Galad" as the instructor. I have decided that Galad is German (although his accent is more Austrian like Arnold Swartzenager) because he has us doing High Hilter arm movements and rigorous marching.

So today started off with the two rooms we use being booked at 11:00 am to ?? so a workout time was up in the air, one girl was leaving early, and then another girl chimed in that she couldn't work out today. My take on the situation was this...

..."I wouldn’t be heartbroken if we didn’t exercise today. As you can see, I have not reached the uber gung ho fitness craze stage yet. If we find a room at a decent time then I’m in. Otherwise, again, won’t be heartbroken!...

Can you see that my willpower is still a work in progress? I say that buying a package of 6 choc chip cookies out of vendoland yesterday and only eating 3 of them is enough work on my willpower for the week.

Soon another couldn't workout today because they have to run home at lunch. And speaking of lunch...we decided to blow the entire day and order Chinese! Chicken Fried Rice, come home to momma!

So, 4 out of 5 of us vetoed any strenous activity today - other than the act of lifting fork to mouth! I likey!

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