Tuesday, November 25, 2008

and you get a new car, and you a new car, and you get a new car...NOT

Why is it that some people seem to have everything handed to them in life and others, no matter how hard they try, never seem to get anything? Why is that some people can get to be 30 some years old and mommy & daddy are still bailing them out at every turn and others pushing 40 or 50 or even 60 have lost everything? How is it someone can get picked up for OWI, rack up a couple thousand dollars in fines, legal fees and car repairs (an accident was also involved), have their parents through a bunch of money at the problem and then for their reward, mommy & daddy also buy them A NEW STINKIN' CAR?! Where's the trip to Disney World? Waiting 'til he quits his job and files bankruptcy for that one? How is it someone can choose to divorce said person and lose not one, but two houses in the process and this person walks away with one of those houses and A NEW STINKIN' CAR?! How can this person think its fair that he never has to grow up and fend for himself when the other person struggles for every little thing? I need a new car...no one is handing me one. I need a house of our own (renting bites)...no one is handing me one. I earned one on my own, all by myself, without a man long before I met this person and sold it to buy one together. Of course I am a hypocrite because the afore mentioned parents gave us the money but that also leads to how I lost two houses. The one we sold (mine) and the one he kept when our marriage was over. I don't need a 40" hdtv but I'd like one. Don't see me charging one on a credit card mommy & daddy already paid off once and then telling them I won it at work. I just gon't understand why life is so easy for some - they always come out smelling like roses - and it's so hard for others. I haven't made the best financial decisions in my life but nothing was handed to me either. I earned everything I had and if I lost it then I had to deal with that. No one stepped in to bail me out. My mom helped when she could but not to the tune of $130,000 or $15,000 at the drop of a hat. I suppose it's a good gig if you can get it. When I found out I was thinking, "it must be nice to have parents save you all the time" and then for a moment I even thought, "it must be nice to have parents". Mine are gone. I couldn't fall back on them even if I wanted to. Even if they wanted to. I can't. I can't. I can't. I've got no where to go and I just don't know what I'm going to do.

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