Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Measure of a TEAM (tales from the state baseball tournament)

I was inspired to write this (below) this morning while still at the state baseball tournament when I was none too pleased with what I saw as a serious lack of support or empathy when an error was made that ended the game and the team's chances of moving on the championship bracket. The thing is the error probably would not have stopped the winning score anyway. The kid, even if he had scooped up the ball, would have had to have thrown home from 2nd when the winning run was already on his way there. None the less, the kid felt horrible! He cried, put his hat over his face, was the first out of the duggout and sat alone with his held hung down in shame. I only saw one kid, who isn't even a regular on the team, and only a couple parents other than his own tell him it was ok and it wasn't his fault. All the other players had scowls on their faces and never approached the kid who felt he'd ruined their season. That being said, I give you...

The Measure of a TEAM

The saying "there's no 'I' in TEAM" goes both ways.

No one player wins a game. No one player loses a game.

No one player is not without striking out. No one player is not without errors.

What's great is when no one player is not without heart.

A team that sticks together whether the smallest kid comes up short or the biggest hitter goes down swinging.

When it's "rally on 2, just like we always do".

When there's chatter in the outfield and cheers in the dugout.

When it's not only high fives and "hey kid, there you go".

But also a hand extended after loading the bases or missing a play.

Whether it ends the inning, ends the game, or ends the season.

When who's in the uniform is not just a player but a person.

When backing each other up happens on and off the field.

When it's not just about how much skill you have but how much character as well.

It's anybody's ballgame on any given day.

Any team can come back from behind.

Any team can have the most thrilling victories and yet the most heartbreaking losses.

It's a team with heart that knows that every player puts it all on the field.

It's the true measure of a TEAM who can leave it there.

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