Friday, March 14, 2008

Days 11 - 14, I need a pardon please...

Who do I talk to about getting a pardon for Days 11 - 13? And Day 14's list will be the reasons why I need the pardon. Here is what happened to me in those days.

1). Got a tooth pulled. (The possible side effects of the surgery was going to be my list that day. They were pretty scary. But the Vicodin helps.)

2). My mom went into the hospital.

3). My 3 year old went into the hospital (after 7 hrs of vomiting every 15-20 minutes)

That was just Day 11.

4). Father of older boys resistant to keeping them while Jace is in hospital because he doesn't want his "new" family exposed to whatever Jace had. Putting me in the position of having to choose between the older boys and the little boy. Who I should be with.

5). I come down with whatever Jace had while he is still in the hospital. Spent all night either on the toilet or hovering over it.

That was day 12.

6). Jace is released and spends evening at dad's while I recover.

7). Ken comes down with whatever Jace had. He decided to add a degree of difficulty by combining being on the toilet and hovering over the garbage simultaneously.

That was Day 13.

8). Jace starts the vomitting again at 2:30 am and this time adds diareaha to the mix. Obviously thanks to the quality time spend with Dad.

9) Oldest son leaves book bag at home and calls from school for me to bring it to him. He can spend a 1/2 hour before the bus comes watching SportsCenter but step right over his book bag on the way out the door.

10). After taking shower to wash off the "death warmed over" look I had been sporting for a couple days, leave to head to school and find an almost flat tire.

11). Have to drive on flat to 3 gas stations before I find a working source of free air.

12). Spend rest of day working from home to catch up on what I missed. (Don't tell anyone that I could get caught up in 6 hrs after missing 3 days of work. That's our little secret.)

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