Monday, March 03, 2008

let's pretend it is still March 2nd...

Depending on how your day went, you may not want to still be on March 2nd but since I missed NaBloPoMo for that day, I need an extension. I have some good lists in mind for the rest of the month but for now I will just post my list for why I didn't post a list on March 2nd.

1) Spent all morning on Ebay.
(Thank God someone outbid me. $250 for NutriSystem meals was definitely an impulse buy.)
2) Picked up ex after his release from county jail.
(You know, exactly what God intended on the "day of rest".)
3) Took him to pick up his smashed vehicle from the tow lot.
(Yes, not only did he get a DUI but he wrecked his car. Oddly enough - these two events did not happen at the same time.)
4). My kids stole my modem the rest of the day to play Xbox 360 Live.
(I'm starting to think there is crack flowing through those connections because they are serious addicted. My dad used to say I had the telephone growing out of my ear, for them it's the Xbox headset.)

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